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Writer's pictureAuthor Bryant

The Hybrid’s Vampire

Updated: 2 days ago

Chapter 1 - Auðr

June is always a busy month for my band, Immortal Eclipse. Being a gay man, I tend to book out June to attend as many pride events as we can. It doesn’t matter that the rest of my band are heteros. To each their own. The point is they are still allies and other than my great-great-grand nephew, we’re all vampires, and fresh blood is fresh blood. They don’t care about gender or sexuality regarding the feed.

Tonight’s gig at Ember in Portland was going to be interesting. A trip through Bloodmoon territory is always interesting, especially after Albert mated up with their human princess. I like Hana. She keeps Albert and his buddies in line, and I like that. Plus, the girl is a fan, and unless they get creeper-level, I love all my fans. 

However, catching up with old friends isn’t what will make tonight interesting. My great-grand nephew Léonel got a message from a cop in Bloodmoon about an estranged daughter living there. I know how badly that cunt Jane Cornell and her equally douchey chosen mate Theodore Hanley and their whole fucked up pack hurt Léonel. They cost him his wolf and nearly cost him his life twice. The first was when he was in that coma, and the second was when I found him drunk off his ass, ready to jump off a bridge.

I recognized him, not that we’d personally met, but the Darby genetics were strong in my little brother Joseph’s line. Léonel was a dead ringer for my brother if he was born in this era and favored leather jackets and jeans. I saved his life that night and got him sober-ish. Then, I recruited him into my band as the drummer, and the rest is history—or it was until that phone call.

I couldn’t even imagine what must be going through my great great grandnephew’s mind. To find out all these years later that the one time he had sex with his mate resulted in a child. That fucking whore just found another way to have fucked him over. Screwing another man and taking the other guy as her mate was bad enough. But to keep Léonel from his child and pass it off as her chosen mate is next-level cruel. 

Jane Cornell is going to hell. I do not doubt that. And given what I’ve learned, I’m inclined to be the one who sends her there. She has caused unfathomable pain to my family. She left Léonel broken with no reason to live. She kept his child and proceeded to treat the child like trash. Hello, winner of the Worst Mother of the Millennium award. I’m disgusted that she and Theodore were going to essentially sell the child to their pack’s Beta when he wasn’t even her mate. 

I’m glad Bloodmoon handled the situation. I’ve met the Bloodmoon Alpha once because of his daughter and the guy might be a tad short for an alpha, but he has one intense aura. Given that he raised Hana, I can believe he’s scary and does what’s right. In the case of Léonel’s child, what was right was putting Theodore and that prick Beta in jail. Logan took it a step further, threatening to take over their pack if they ever tried to force a chosen mating again.

I’d have taken it a step further, and still might, but that’s less what’s right and more eye for an eye. Theodore wanted to traffic my great great grand nibbling. I’d traffic his ass. I’ll have to find out what prison he and Beta got sent to and ensure their time pays them back all the pain tenfold. Nobody fucks with a Darby.

I frowned as I looked at Léonel sitting in a booth nervously waiting to meet this child. I keep saying child because from what we’d been told, they identify as non-binary, as does their mate. They are certainly in the right family if acceptance of gender and sexuality is what they are looking for. We’ve got gay ole me; my sister Marie was a big ole lesbian who just died too young to enjoy being an ‘old maid,’ and of course, my great-grandniece Shikoba, who’s transgender. We Darbys are very forward-thinking and open-minded.

“You gonna be good?” I asked, putting my hand on Léonel’s shoulder.

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be? I mean, it’s just a kid I didn’t know about with the woman who ripped my heart out and stomped into oblivion. Just another day of the week.” Léonel’s sarcasm was thick as he held up his glass of whiskey. 

“Do I need to find Rhapsody? Have her on standby? Do you want me to stay close?” I offered.

“I don’t want Rhapsody around.” He shook his head.

“Don’t tell me you two are fighting. I told you when you started hooking up with Rhapsody not to shit where you eat. I don’t want to find a new keyboard player.” I grumbled.

“I don’t think it’s at a point where you need to rethink band status. And why would Rhapsody get dropped and not me? She’s been in the band longer.” Léonel asked.

“Um, because of nepotism. Plus, you’re a great drummer, and I’m not firing you.” I scoffed.

“Just leave it be. We’re just… you know how Rhapsody feels about kids.” He frowned.

“Ugh, family vampires are so temperamental. I can’t have kids, but you don’t see me getting all ‘woes me’ when I see a child or someone I know who has one.” I shook my head.

“Uncle, that’s very, very different. You can have children. You’re just not sexually attracted to women. Rhapsody is a woman who was turned before she ever had kids, and now she never can have one.” He said.

“Whatever. I still think Rhapsody is being dramatic.” I shrugged. “I won’t go far. If it gets weird and you need backup, use the bat signal. I’ve got your back, nephew.” I rustled his hair.

“I’ll keep it in mind.” He grunted, swatting me away. “Go find your pre-show snack.” He shoved me away from his booth. 

“Fine.” I held my hands up. I’m serious, though. If meeting this kid triggers your bat signal, Uncle Auðr will come to the rescue.”

“Please stop talking about yourself in the third person.” Léonel chuckled.

I grinned, happy to have at least gotten a chuckle out of him before I ventured out of the club and into the early evening of Portland’s Pride Event. I took a deep breath and smiled. So many bodies, so little time. I needed to be selective in my pre-show meal. Not that I’m a super picky eater; it’s just that I’m on a timer. I need to be back in time for a quick touch base with the others and sound check before we go on. So, it’s just a snack, a taste to keep my energy up during our set. 

I smirked as I perused the selection—so many options. I spotted Zeke and Rune among the protesters. Yes, it’s 2029, and there are STILL narrow-minded people who think their religion and ‘morality’ should dictate what others do. It’s why, especially in June, my bandmates and I target those fuckers, and we aren’t nice about our feeds either. Rune instigated the protestors, not with words. No, that little shit was in their heads, fueling their ignorant peanut brains with rage. It worked as the protestors started getting more vocal. 

“Pride is a sin!”

“Homosexuality is a sin!”

“You are depraved people bound for hell!”

“You’ve perverted the rainbow!”

The next thing I know, signs are flying, and I notice a purple-haired femme boy shouting, “TASTE THE RAINBOW, MUTHA FUCKA!!” as they went in swinging. I know I shouldn’t assume gender. While this purple skittle, my favorite color—though I prefer the UK black currant flavor to the American grape—was dressed in a black pleated skirt with pleats in different colors of the rainbow, nothing about their body type or voice indicated a woman. 

I fixed my black suit jacket sleeve as I walked up behind the morsel. I go all out for gigs, even more so when it’s a Pride gig. My coat and slacks may be black, but the lapel and cuffs are rainbow, like the inside of the jacket. Plus, my vest and tie were rainbows, acting as pops of color against my black dress shirt. 

As I got closer, I cocked my head as their scent reached me. They’re a hybrid werewolf. Typically, werewolves have a distinct scent that I find gross under other circumstances. However, this purple gumdrop smelled like my next snack, and that had already offered themselves. So, I would be first in line for that taste.

“If that’s an offer, I’m first in line.” I purred.

I ran my hand over their leg, stopping just below the hem of the skirt. I felt an odd spark at touching them but brushed it aside as static. I’m forward, but not THAT forward. I’ve been slapped my share because my idea of not being too forward doesn’t always align with what some men think. What can I say? I’m from a different time when certain advances weren’t frowned upon. Okay, my advances were frowned upon more than they are today cause, well, homophobia is bad in this millennium, but it was even worse in mine.

I was prepared for a bad or good reaction. I started to think it was going to be a good reaction. My little rainbow snack shuddered with a soft moan at my touch. All their anger at the protesters faded. This all added to a good response, especially as they turned to me with a smile and a hunger in their eyes. I wasn’t prepared for the deep growl of “Mate.”

What in the name of all that is holy and unholy? Perhaps they have their wires crossed or are thinking of someone else. I’m a vampire. Beyond that, we don’t have fated mates. On what planet would a vampire and werewolf make sense for more than a fuck? There’s a reason Rhapsody and Léonel are only fuck buddies. Okay, there are MANY reasons, but one is the whole species difference.

Chapter 2 - Sage

I’m happy for my mom and my twin. Truly, I am. Our lives collectively vastly improved when we moved to Portland three years ago. Our family went from being just the three of us to including Daddy Hale, a new big brother in Austin and a sister in Suzie. Now Leo is part of all that. Not to mention, we gained the whole Bloodmoon Pack. The level of community, support, and general acceptance these wolves gave us blew the minuscule acceptance - mostly indifference we were met with back in Massachusetts.

It’s great that we have such a large family and support base. The downside to all this is living in a house with THREE couples. At any given time, at least one of the couples is fucking or about to be fucking. I have seen and heard things that require therapy. Sure, I was already in therapy, but that was totally unrelated. No one should have to suffer what I’ve suffered by being the seventh wheel in the Carlisle-Shelton household. I’m strongly considering moving into one of the bachelor apartments in Mount Hood. 

It’s not something I’ve brought up with anyone. Mom and Hale are so happy to have a full house, and while River’s more distracted by Leo, I know they’d have feelings about me moving out. So, I’ve kept quiet and have not rocked the boat at home. The only person with whom I’ve discussed the idea of moving into an apartment has strangely been Austin. I only say strangely because while he’s my stepbrother and a good dude, I’m not as close to him as Mom or River. 

Austin has been understanding. He considered moving out, too, but staying allows him and Suzie to continue saving money and attending college. I know they plan to move out when they can afford a house, but till then, we’re playing full house, and I’m in the Joey Gladstone role. It sucks, but I’ll suck it up and think like Austin. I’ll use this time living rent-free to get my education and save money.

Today, I felt less like a spare wheel. I came with River and Leo to the Pride Festival in Portland. We’ve gone every year since we moved here, but it’s Leo’s first time attending. I’m sure they are excited to be at the festival. It’s just overshadowed by anxiety about meeting their bio dad. I doubt Léonel Darby is going to end up being on the same shittastic tier as the cuntbag that mated her mom or mine and River’s sperm donor. It takes a special kind of asshole to be like them, and while he’s not active in his pack, by all accounts, the Darby family are good and accepting people.

I didn’t plan to stick with River and Leo during their meeting with Léonel. As cool as meeting the drummer for Immortal Eclipse sounds, that’s not what that meeting is. I would feel out of place as I’m not Leo or their mate. So, I was mentally prepared to duck away before we got to the club. The opportunity to split off came up when I noticed a bunch of protestors getting riled up.

I do love fucking with these fascists fuckwits. Every year they show up and shout their bullshit bible verses like that means a fucking thing. Hello, this is America. We don’t all follow the bible or its narrow-minded peanut-brain translations. Old cis white people need to keep their opinions to themselves and stop telling everyone else how to live like ‘good Christians’ when they are hateful fucks that don’t practice what they preach. 

“You’ve perverted the rainbow!” Some asshole shouted, and I was triggered.

‘Let’s show them what happens when they fuck with the rainbow.’ Eclipse growled as I threw a punch.

Before finding out that I was a werewolf and getting training from David and others in the pack on how to fight that punch would’ve been a bit pathetic. However, I have been training for the last two years, and with Eclipse on my side, I’ll fuck a bitch up. I shouted my favorite motto as I glared at the fucker as he hit the ground with a black eye and broken nose. 

I was ready for a fight. It wouldn’t be the first or last time Hale had to bail me out for fights, but suddenly, all thoughts of fighting disappeared. A scent hit me, overpowering every other smell. It was like black currant wine and the resin of patchouli washed with soothing vanilla. The scent made every muscle in my body relax while every cell seemed to hum in anticipation.

‘Mate.’ Eclipse growled, on alert, trying to find the source.

Mate? I have a mate! Will they be male, female, non-binary? Will they accept me for me? They aren’t on the protestor’s side of this, right? Goddess, I hope they aren’t protestors. I didn’t think I could handle that. I couldn’t handle a mate who can’t accept that I’m non-binary and that I’m demisexual. As these thoughts raced through my mind, my brain short-circuited as someone’s cool, rough hand danced up my leg, sending electricity through me. I’ve often been told what the mate bond feels like, but feeling it for myself is WOW. 

Then, a sinfully delicious Cajun accent spoke, and I felt a need and desire I didn’t know was possible. He said he was first in line. My heart was racing as I turned to face my mate. I was dumbfounded by what I saw under the festival’s brightly colored lights. I recognized him. Auðr. My mate is Auðr, the lead singer of Immortal Eclipse—the vampire who Caleb Cobain turned. My mate is a vampire! 

“Mate,” Eclipse growled, taking my shock as their chance to speak.

I could sense River in our family link. They were worried about me, and I didn’t want River to interfere. I needed to face this myself, and River needed to support Leo in meeting their dad—a descendant of my vampire mate.

‘Go meet Leo’s dad. I… I just found my mate. So, I might be a bit.’ I advised through our link. 

‘Holy SHIT! Way to go!’ River shouted back. 

‘We can’t wait to meet them and get all the details later. Find us at Enigma.’ Leo instructed

I don’t know if the celebration was in order yet, but I appreciated my twin’s enthusiasm about my discovery. I was observing Auðr’s face, watching for any indication of what he thought of all this. Currently, he was unreadable, like a mask of calm over his features. I wanted to know his true feelings on this revelation. His eyes glanced over my left shoulder, and I saw him stubbly nodding. 

Furrowing my brow, I looked over my shoulder. I recognized Rune, the guitarist for the band, helping the protestor I had punched to their feet. Rune arched a brow at me before scoffing as he led the protester away. What the fuck was that about? Why was he helping that guy? And why did he scoff at me? Is it the whole ‘werewolves’ smell bad to vampires? Shit, do I smell bad to Auðr?

I turned back to Auðr’s expressionless face. It was a pretty face. A kissable face. Yet it was also a punchable face. I’m not the kind of person who easily picks up on social queues, so when he’s giving me NOTHING to even try and go off, it makes me a bit nutty. Eclipse didn’t like that Auðr ignored us and was more indifferent than me.

“Are you to fucking say something? Cause this uncomfortable silence bullshit ain’t cutting it, pretty boy.” I asked, folding my arms.

“Relax, skittles.” Auðr held his hands up. “Let’s take this someplace private.” He held his hand out.

‘Private sounds good,’ Eclipse licked his chops.

‘Private also sounds dismissive.’ I grumbled.

“What’s wrong with talking here?” I asked definitely.

“You want to answer to Hana Kinsley for breaking the rules?” Auðr arched his brow, finally showing some facial expressions.

Shit. He’s got me there. If we discuss anything directly involving who we are, which is likely given that we’re mates, we can’t talk in public. Hana and her Alpha Daddy would have my head for breaking the statue of secrecy. And that’s the kind of trouble not even Daddy Hale could get me out of. My shoulders sank as I nodded.

“Fair point.” I conceded, taking his offered hand.

His hand may have been cold to the touch, but the sparks of the bond only left warmth tingles everywhere. As I said before, I’m a demisexual. I’m not like River or most people I know. I don’t get all sexually charged over strangers and their looks. I need an emotional connection to feel desire for someone. 

Until I had a thing going with Maitiú Cooney last year, I thought I was asexual. However, I’d formed an emotional connection to Maitiú after moving here, which led to more. I’m not saying more was like sex. We both wanted to save that for our mates. But we did make out a few times. Mostly, we held hands till he found his mate last fall.

‘And you’ve found yours here and now. Stop thinking about Maitiú.’ Eclipse rolled their purple eyes at me. ‘Auðr isn’t a stranger. He is our mate. You don’t get a deeper-rooted connection than the mate bond. It’s beyond physical and emotional. It’s our souls.’

It’s hard to argue with my wolf on that. The mate bond is more than physical and emotional. This explained why holding Auðr’s hand as he led me through the crowd to a back entrance to Enigma felt so intimate. I’d been so in my head and the mate bond that I hadn’t realized we’d left behind the festival and were in a small lounge till he shut the door, taking his hand from mine.

Chapter 3 - Auðr

This cannot be happening. I’m a fucking vampire! I’ve been dead for over a century! I get that the Darby bloodline was meant to evolve to be wolves, but that was my little brother Joseph’s destiny. He was fated to be mated to a werewolf, which sparked the evolutionary change in our line to be the basically pureblooded wolves they are today. 

Even if I hadn’t died and been turned into a vampire, I’m G-A-Y! I can’t have children with another man. On top of all that, why over a hundred years later? Either this wolf has their wires crossed, or their Mood Goddess is DRUNK and HIGH because there is no way a vampire is fated to a werewolf.

While my purple Skittle, ugh, not mine, knock that shit off the brain, was getting pissed that I was keeping my emotions in check, I saw the guy they’d punched trying to get up. I’d managed to catch Rune’s eye without altering the wolf. We don’t have telepathy, but Rune picked up the social cue I needed to back up. He helped the protester up and, with his eyes, asked if he could do what he wanted with the guy. To that, I nodded. 

I knew what Rune would do to the guy. It wouldn’t be pretty, but if he cleaned up and was on time for our gig, I didn’t care. I won’t deal with sloppy vampires in my band. Rune knows that. There’s a reason we had an opening for a drummer when I brought Léonel in. Fucker was messy, and I killed him before he brought human authorities or, worse, after us all. Rune won’t dare cross that line. None of them will.

Skittles tried to argue about taking this somewhere private. There was no way I was having this conversation in public. There was too high a possibility that we’d say something that gives away our supernatural natures. I’ve never broken the statute of secrecy, and I’m not about to change that. That would mean facing the wrath of Hana Kinsey. No, thank you. Thankfully, Skittles saw reason when I name-dropped their pack princess.

I led the wolf through the crowd back to Enigma and into my private dressing room, ignoring the weird tingles holding their hand was giving me. Not letting myself think about those little sparks and what they may or may not mean. My brain outright refused to consider this to be real. My undead heart was a different story. The thing hasn’t even twitched since I became a vampire. Yet those little sparks from holding Skittle’s hand were trying to jumpstart it with all their might. 

I let their hand go, feeling a mix of emotions as I was free from the sparks trying to jumpstart my dead heart. I locked the door, not wanting any possible interruptions. I doubted there would be any until closer to show time, but better safe than sorry. I checked my pocket for my phone. While I will focus on dealing with this, I still need and want to be available if Léonel needs me. 

“Well, we’re not in public. Are you going to talk now or stand there like some sexy statue or mime?” Skittles demanded, folding their arms, their unique amber eyes shimmering purple.

Sexy statue or mime? This wolf’s brain is fried. I mean, I know I’m sexy, but come on. And purple eyes? Over a hundred years as a vampire, and I’ve seen some weird shit. However, I’ve never seen a purple-eyed anything. I know hybrids get weird-colored hair and eyes, though I doubt the purple is natural, as I could see the roots had recently been touched up. I’d have to check the carpet to know the true color of the drapes.

No. No. NO!

I was not going there. I don’t know how old this wolf is, beyond sixteen. Nope. I might keep my life private, but I’m still a celebrity. People try to make my personal life their business. I don’t need any of that ‘he fucked a minor depending on the state’ press. I’m not touching this wolf beyond that hand-holding to get them in here. At least not till I know how old they are.

“I’m still assuming you’re part of Bloodmoon, though you could be from an affiliated pack here for the festival. But something about your smell screams Bloodmoon.” I assessed. “So, the questions become: what’s your name, and how old are you?”

“I don’t know if that’s a compliment or insult. It better not be an insult ‘cause Bloodmoon is the best pack in the world.” Skittles grumbled. 

“In the world? How many packs have you visited to come to that conclusion?” I shook my head, still waiting for my answers.

“A few since I turned sixteen,” Skittles said.

“Uh-huh. So, name and age.” I gestured for them to carry on.

“I’m Sage Carlisle, and I’m eighteen. No need to ask your name unless you’ll tell me your Darby family name since I can’t imagine Auðr was your birth name.” Sage narrowed their eyes at me. 

Eighteen? Well, that was something of a relief. No tabloid could say I was taking minors into back rooms. Not that I’m planning to do anything with Sage. Interestingly, their name is a shade of green, but their color is purple. I need to get on track with my thoughts.

“No one outside my family knows my birth name, and not a damn one of them would take the gamble on calling me that name.” I shook my head.

Elvin Louis Darby died in the streets of New Orleans on June 28th, 1925, after a bunch of homophobic assholes took umbrage with the fact I fucked one of their brothers.  Enzo Beaumont was the living embodiment of ‘the juice wasn’t worth the squeeze.’ When Enzo’s brother Brice heard a rumor about seeing his brother leaving La Trinité with me, Enzo sold me out. 

Everyone knew but didn’t say anything about La Trinité being a queer club. So, Enzo spun it that I made him go there, forced myself on him, and let others have a turn. The great irony was that Enzo was the one that invited me to that club, and he was the one that initiated the orgy that night. After I was left to die in the street, losing the fight, Caleb was like an angel of mercy. He found me and offered me revenge. I took the offer, killed the nine men who left me to die, and then I killed Enzo. From that day, I made it a rule never to get involved with closet cases.

“You’ll tell me eventually. Mates don’t keep secrets.” Sage smiled like that was a foregone conclusion.

“Listen, Skittles… I mean Sage.” I corrected myself. 

“You’re wrong. We aren’t mates. We can’t be mates. I am the undead. I am a vampire. I don’t even think I technically have a soul anymore, and if I did, it’s damned for opposing death and becoming this…” I gestured to myself.

“Vampires have mates. The Silverclaw Deltas are a mated human and vampire. Byron and Shannon are mates. Caleb and Marianna are a mated pair of vampires. Princess Hana and Albert are mates.” Sage tried to make their counter.

“Allow me to be more specific. Only werewolves have fated mates. Every couple you listed chose each other. Also, none of those couples include a werewolf. Not fated mates. No mate bond glitter sparkle magic.” I explained.

“Shannon is like a quarter werewolf. She’s even related to you.” Sage said as if that made a difference.

I rubbed my temples as I took a deep breath. My temples were not letting go of the idea of us being mates.

“Be that as it may, Shannon does not have a wolf. She is human, and she chose to be marked by Byron. Who knows that if for any reason he ever hurts Shannon or any of her children, there is a long list of Darby werewolves that will rip him apart if I don’t find him first.” I sighed. 

“The point remains that vampires don’t have fated mates. I’m dead, undead, but whatever. I can’t be your mate. You’re confused.” I said.

“I was never a religious person, but belief in the Moon Goddess isn’t a religion ‘cause werewolves exist; therefore, she’s real. The Goddess works in mysterious ways. How many generations of your family are werewolves? I don’t know the full family tree, and what I know is only ‘cause my twin’s mate found out they’re a Darby.” Sage rambled.

His twin’s mate is a Darby? His twin is mated to Léonel’s child. That’s why they were here. It wasn’t simply chance or that they were here for the festival. They likely came here with their twin and Léonel’s kid. It’s freaky to think they have a twin in the club right now. Are they identical? Fraternal? Sage’s twin is mated to my great great great-grand nibbling, and they’re trying to convince me we’re mates. 

“If your Moon Goddess had some grand plan for my family to integrate into being werewolves, she fulfilled that with my brother Joseph over a hundred years ago. She missed her window to have me as a pawn the day I died and became a vampire. Not to mention, as a gay man, I wouldn’t be contributing to turning my family into werewolves.” I shook my head.

“Agree to disagree because I’m not wrong. My wolf recognized your scent as our mate. Plus, when you touched my leg and held my hand just a few moments ago, I felt the sparks of the bond.” Sage protested. 

“Look me in the eyes and tell me you felt nothing when we touched,” Sage demanded.

They stepped into my personal space. We were nose to nose only because of the height the boots gave them. Without that added four inches, I’d be taller. I could see every variation in Sage’s amber eyes and how the purple pulsed in the amber. We were so close I could practically taste their strawberry kiwi gum on their breath. I can do this. I can lie to someone’s face. It never stopped me before

Chapter 4 - Sage

I’ve been called flighty and easily distracted. I have ADHD. What do people expect? However, I’m not that way about everything. When someone is truly important, I hang onto that thought like a dog… er… wolf with a bone. Nothing, not even my ADHD, could or would distract me from this topic. Auðr is my mate, even if he won’t admit it. 

My mission is to make him see and accept me as his. It might sound needy and desperate, but I am. I am needy and desperate for him to acknowledge what we are. I’m needy and desperate for him to want this, to want me. I don’t care that it sounds pathetic or toxic. I’m a werewolf, and the mere thought of him not wanting me as his mate breaks my heart. 

I may regret this later, but there was no going back. I challenged Auðr. I wanted him to look me in my eyes and tell me he felt nothing. If he does, either means he’s a damn good liar, or he truly felt nothing, and being a vampire somehow makes him immune to the bond. All the humans I know mated to wolves felt the pull of the bond at first touch. I’m just banking that his vampirism doesn’t dull that. 

I already knew his eyes were brown. I’m a fan. Of course, I know those things. It’s not like I’d have fantasies about him. I mean, yes, I thought he was hot, but please refer to when I previously said I’m demisexual. I can find someone attractive without having a physical desire to fuck them. 

‘That was before you knew he was our mate. Whole different ball game now, Sage.’ Eclipse chuckled, aware I was distracted and lost in Auðr’s eyes. 

It’s not my fault his eyes are as mesmerizing as his songs. There was so much depth to his brown eyes. They were some bland puppy, chocolate, or worse shit brown. They were more like a cognac with the flecks of gold. His pupils were fluctuating as he stared back at me. Was he trying to control his expression to lie to me?

I could hear the club beyond the door. There were no patrons yet, but employees were getting ready for opening, and I could pick up tidbits of Leo and River talking to Léonel. I could hear my heart beating faster than normal as I awaited his response. Of all the things I could hear, the one thing I couldn’t was him. He had no heartbeat. He wasn’t even breathing. Was that normal? I mean, as he’s pointed out, he’s the undead. 

“I felt nothing,” Auðr said with no emotion, yet his pupils couldn’t hold steady.

‘He’s lying!’ Eclipse growled. ‘How dare our mate lie to us.’

“You’re lying. Your voice and general demeanor don’t give it away, but your eyes do. Your pupils keep changing.” I called him out on his bullshit. 

“I’m not lying.” He rolled his eyes, pupils still unable to hold a size.

“If you’re not lying, you’re on drugs or something. Because that’s not normal, even for a vampire, for your pupils to do that.” I said, shaking my head. 

“Let’s get a base. What’s your name? What’s your band called?  What city are we in?” I asked.

“You’re being ridiculous.” He sighed.

“Answer the questions,” I said.

“Fine. My name is Auðr. My band is Immortal Eclipse, and we are in Portland. Happy?” He asked his pupils unchanging.

“Yes. Now, let’s have you tell me a lie. Say my hair is green, and you’re straight.” I instructed.

“This is beyond stupid.” Auðr sighed. “Fine. Your hair is green. I’m straight.”

“AHAH!” I exclaimed. “Your pupils did that thing again! That’s your tell. Never play poker.” I said, triumphant. 

“You felt the bond when we touched. And I bet my Jason headdress you’re going to feel the fuck out of this.” I said before closing the distance from my lips to his and kissing him.

Was that forward? Probably. Do I care? Nope. WORTH IT!

He tasted as delicious as he smelled. For all his bravado of not feeling anything when we touched, Auðr was kissing back. I’m not talking like a dead fish kiss or an absent-minded get-it-over-with kiss. No, this man was using his tongue. I had a piece of Trident strawberry kiwi gum in my mouth. Guess what? It’s in his mouth now. That’s right, people. It was our first kiss, and he stole my gum.

He groaned. I groaned. Our tongues danced. His hands were in my hair, pulling just hard enough to still feel good. My hands were all over the place. I didn’t know what to do with them. Where do I put them? I wanted to touch so many places they couldn’t decide. My hands went from his sides to his chest to his belt.

Whoa. The belt was moving too fast. 

‘Slow your roll, Eclipse.’ I blamed my wolf.

I settled for his sides, slipping my hands under his jacket. I wondered if it would be too forward to untuck or unbutton his shirt to touch his skin. If grabbing his belt was too much, I bet undressing him in any manner would be too. One kiss and I was turning into a sexual deviant like my twin. The mate bond. I blame the mate bond. I have been told what feels like a million times by everyone in my family that a mate bond will make anyone into a horny mother fucker. And the only cure is to complete the bond. 

I groaned as the kiss deepened, and his grip on my hair tightened while I got backed into furniture—a sofa. The back of my legs collided with the rolled arm of the couch, and the next thing either of us knew, I was toppling backward, bringing Auðr down with me. While I could’ve done without the surprise sofa trust fall part, I could easily get used to the Auðr on top of me part of this situation. The only downside to this change in orientation was that Auðr pulled back from the kiss.

At that moment, as we looked at each other, his walls were down, and I saw the surprise, concern, and attraction for me. There was no stopping the smile that spread across my lips. He could show emotions. And those emotions gave away everything. He felt the bond. Maybe he didn’t understand why or how it was possible, but he fucking felt it. And that’s okay. I don’t know why or how we’re mates, but I don’t care about why or how. I only care that he’s mine. 

“Still feel nothing?” I cockily asked.

The wall was back. I could see the moment it went up, and I hated Auðr’s change in demeanor. Why is he doing that? Decades of practice at keeping people at arm’s length. I suppose being vulnerable isn’t an easy thing for a vampire. I don’t know what the number looks like for vampires having mates. 

Sure, I only know five vampires with mates. Two of whom are a couple. That doesn’t give me a good base for the average number of mated vampires worldwide. We also only met, so letting me in can’t be easy. If not for the bond, I’d likely be shy, too. Being super forward, sexually speaking, is a River thing. I generally only tease and talk sexually to people I’m close to, like my family.

“I have a gig to get ready for,” Auðr said, quickly moving off me to stand. 

“So? The concert doesn’t start for another….” I dug my phone out to check the time. “Hour.”

“And in that hour, I have to feed and do a sound check.” Auðr rationalized.

“Is that what you were doing when we met? Looking for someone to feed on? Is that why you approached me? For a snack?” I asked, sitting up.

My brain was struggling to rationalize everything while my emotions were in chaos. I know Auðr drinks blood. Vampire, duh. Drinking blood comes with the territory. I know Albert only drinks from blood bags because of Hana. Dani, I don’t know if she’s a blood bag or a fresh blood drinker. I think both. I mean, I know I have heard about her mate having bite marks from where she’s fed on him. I believe all the vampires in the clan are fresh blood drinkers but will settle for a blood bag if their hunt doesn’t go well.

That’s, however, OTHER vampires. It’s different. I don’t consider how the vampires in the area feed. Auðr is my mate. How would I feel about him drinking from some random person? How personal is a vampire’s feed? Movies make it sound either super violent or super intimate. 

The territorial wolf in me, Eclipse, growled at the thought of Auðr’s fangs in someone else. That growl was something I’d expect if it was the mental image of Auðr fucking someone else. I am NOT a sharer. Most werewolves aren’t into sharing unless they are one of those rare few who get more than one mate. I am not one of them. Auðr is my only mate, and Eclipse and I are in total agreement in disemboweling anyone who even hits on him. 

“It’s what all of us do before a gig. We need to feed to have the energy to play for hours.” Auðr shrugged. “Are you going to be one of those people that get all squeamish about blood and that, as a vampire, I drink it?”

“So, yes,” he said. “I was looking for a pre-show snack, and you were originally on the menu.”

“Originally on the menu? Am I now off the menu?” I asked, feeling offended. 

“You’re a werewolf, Sage. So, you’re off the menu. It’s not technically personal. It’s just that werewolf blood doesn’t taste good.” Auðr pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

“Rude. Maybe being mates will make a difference. You could feed on me if you need to feed and don’t have a blood bag.” I offered.

I wasn’t sure if I would regret offering. I knew Eclipse and I didn’t like the idea of Auðr’s fangs in someone else. It doesn’t matter that it might be about as intimate to him as eating a steak is to me.

Chapter 5 - Auðr

Sneaky wolf! I hadn’t expected Sage to kiss me. I hadn’t expected it to be that good, either. It’s not like it’s been a long time since I was with someone. I hooked up with a guy at our last gig in San Francisco. He was human but fit and a great lay. So, I’m not hard up for physical intimacy. It made no sense why I was so into Sage’s kiss that we fell onto the sofa, and their gum ended up in my mouth. 

I’d wanted to lie to them and myself that I felt nothing. I knew it was a lie. I’d felt something off when I first touched Sage before they growled that ominous word. Given how my brother’s branch of our tree became werewolves, I know plenty about the mate bond. I’ve heard all about its wonders and how strong the pull is. I just never thought it was something a vampire would feel. 

I needed to get myself out of this situation, especially out of this room and away from Sage. I was too busy looking for a way out to bother lying. I was honest that I’d been looking for a pre-gig snack, and they’d been on the menu but weren’t as soon as I realized they were a werewolf. I’ve fed on a werewolf once in my long life, and it was yuck. I’d rather drink animal blood. 

I was ready to check for a blood bag to drink before sound check when Sage offered themselves. I prefer my blood from the tap. I’ve never been a big fan of the blood bag. However, they’ll do it when I’m in a pinch, and this felt like one of those times. I’m sure one of my bandmates has one somewhere. Plus, our label always ensures we have everything we need. Given that Albert is our label, he makes sure we have blood.

Why was I considering it? Why was I staring at Sage’s throat? Why was I watching the blood pumping in their carotid arteries? Sage is a werewolf. I already know their blood won’t taste good. So why am I so damn tempted to sink my fangs into their soft skin? Why is that need not simply driven by hunger? I wanted to see what my mark would or could look like. That thought is what had my fangs elongating more than my hunger.

I clamped my jaw down. I’m far too old for this kind of bullshit. I control my hunger, not the other way around. And I know this mate bond isn’t the same kind of hunger, but I will not be controlled by that either. I control my body. I control my fangs.

Once I felt more in control, I said, “If one of my bandmates doesn’t have a blood bag, I know my label should’ve provided a fridge full of them. “

“Oh,” Sage said.

They looked honestly put out that I’d drink from a blood bag rather than them. I sighed. Typically, I wouldn’t care if I said something that upset anyone. My give a fuck died when Elvin Darby died. Yet I feel bad. I didn’t want to make Sage frown. I barely knew this pup, and seeing the sadness in those amber eyes hit me in the humanity. 

“It’s not personal. Like I said, werewolf blood doesn’t taste good, and I’m running out of time before sound check.” I said. “Someone is likely going to be looking for me soon.”

“And you don’t want someone to see you with me?” Sage arched their brow.

“I have no issues with being seen with or around anyone that’s not some fascist fuck, no matter their gender and species. I prefer to avoid being caught in any compromising situation.” I tried to explain myself.

“Compromising situation? Feeding on your mate would be seen as compromising?” Sage asked.

“When not everyone that could come looking for me is aware of my true nature… yeah.” I shrugged. “Staff here at the club are human. And beyond that, there is always paparazzi. I and my label work hard to keep every member of my band’s lives private.”

“Okay, you made your point.” Sage sighed. “I guess I should let you find a blood bag and do your sound check. I should find my twin and their mate anyway.”

“Glad you’re seeing this from my perspective,” I said.

“Just one last thing…” Sage declared as they stood.

“Yes?” I asked.

My hand was hovering on the knob, ready to push the door open, as I turned to look at them. They were back in my personal space, something that should bother me, and without warning, pulled me into a kiss. Just as my willpower was going to break, someone pulled the door open, and the laughter of four of my bandmates filled my ears. 

“Oh, pardon us, Auðr.” Rhapsody laughed. 

“We didn’t think you’d still be…” Zeidan paused, eyeing Sage. “Entertaining.”

I’ve known these shitheads for a long fucking time. I sired all of them, giving them purpose in life after their mortal life drove them to self-harm. I save people from their worst moments and give them reasons to continue. In my band’s case, it is music that they live for.

Now, back to my train of thought. I’ve known my bandmates a long time and literally met them on their worst day. I’ve never cared when they’d tease me here and there about people I fuck or who I feed on. Their teasing and, worse, judging of Sage crossed a line. I keep trying to downplay what is happening between us in this short span of our meeting, but this mate bond shit is hard to control.

“Got a problem, Zeidan?” I asked, stepping away from Sage to glare at him. “If you do, I know how to fix it. Lodging your sax so far up your ass, you’ll have to play with your pants down tonight.”

“Whoa… chill, man.” Zeidan held his hands up. 

“No need to get all hostile, Auðr.” Zeke tried to play mediator.

“Yeah, it’s just some half-breed mutt.” Rune snorted.

I was ready to knock some sense into Rune when Sage lightly pressed on my chest and smiled. There was something dangerous about that smile. I couldn’t place why. Maybe it was the glint in their eyes or the amber color mixed with purple. Something was about to go down, and while I couldn’t predict what it would be, I doubted Rune would like it.

“Rune, there’s something I’ve always assumed about you, and meeting you and sinched it. So I have to tell you…” Sage spoke cheerfully, taking a step toward Rune.

I was not too fond of that. I was not fond of that at all, but I stayed put. I wanted to see what this purple skittle wolf would do to my second-embraced childe. If I interfered, that wouldn’t happen. Part of me pondered who I would protect if it came down to it. Rune or Sage? The question only lingered for a moment when the answer came to me with Sage’s next move.

“You have a beautiful face,” Sage said.

That’s not the part where my debate of which side I’d take in a fight of Rune vs Sage.

“But let’s put a bag over that personality,” Sage… or more likely their wolf as their voice had gone deeper and dark, said as they bitch slapped Rune across the room.

Zeke, Zeidan, and Rhapsody cringed as Rune broke the chair he landed on. I wasn’t expecting the force in that slap, but it got the point across. They aren’t going to mess with Sage, especially Rune, after that. Sage rolled their shoulders and turned a bright smile to the others.

“Any other unrequested commentary from the peanut gallery?” Sage asked.

“None.” Zeke squeaked.

“Well, that was a fun introduction.” I clapped my hands.

“Introduction. You call that wolf slapping…” Rune hissed, rubbing his face as he got up.

“Bitch slapping. I bitch slapped your bitch ass. And I’ll do it again if you let that fugly personality run your mouth.” Sage warned him, pointing a finger at him.

“Enough with the hitting.” I sighed. “Sage, band. Band, Sage. They’re here with their twin, whose mate is Léonel’s kid.”

Rhapsody went stiff at the mention of the kid. Léonel was right. She’s acting squirrely about the subject. She was looking at Sage differently than before. It was as if looking at Sage would tell her something about Léonel’s kid. It’s not like being twins with Léonel’s kid’s mate would give her insight into what his kid was like.

“Leo. Their name is Leo.” Sage corrected me. 

“Uh-huh, and what does that have to do with you two making out back here?” Zeke asked. 

“Absolutely nothing.” I shrugged. “We met outside when Sage punched a protester and was offering a taste of the rainbow.”

“Mighty bold talk for the guy not like five minutes ago was denying I was his mate.” Sage scoffed.

Now I was going to wince. I felt the looks my bandmates gave me. The mate word isn’t something anyone throws around. Rhapsody’s gaze, especially, held a frosty edge. More people walked in at that moment if that weren’t bad enough. Léonel walked in with a person with cotton candy pink hair and a person nearly identical to Sage but with Green hair and more masculine-facing clothes. 

“Uncle Auðr has a werewolf mate?” Léonel blinked.

“Sage, your mate is the band’s lead singer?” Green-Haired Sage gasped.

Things were about to get as interesting, and I still hadn’t gotten my blood bag. I was not fed enough for all this drama.

Chapter 6 - Sage

I was trying not to take offense that my mate would rather drink from a blood bag than me. He keeps saying it’s not personal, and maybe it isn’t. He’s not the first vampire to say they don’t like the taste of werewolf. I just, I dunno, thought as his mate, it might be different. Part of me wanted to know how it felt to be fed on. Only by him, of course. In my mind, it would be intimate, like a prelude to what marking would be like. 

‘Let him drink from the blood bag if that’s what he wants. Then the first time he sinks those fangs in your neck, it will be the marking.’ Eclipse said.

I shivered at the thought. I know that vampires mark in the same way we werewolves do. I don’t know how the marking situation works between a werewolf and a vampire. I’m gonna need to ask Daddy Hale to ask Mister Tracey to look at the mating book to see if it’s talked about in there. I mean, Auðr and I can’t seriously be the first werewolf and vampire pairing the Goddess has ever made in the history of our species. 

There’s no way she would make us the first in history. Auðr might be that special, given she brought the rest of his family into the species, but I sure the hell ain’t. I mean, I’m special in the human way people use the word. I have ADHD, and I’m on the high-functioning Autism spectrum. So, to some people, that makes me ‘special’. But special enough that the Goddess would choose me of all wolves to mate with someone of another species is impossible. I don’t care that Jason claims he returned from the dead because River and I needed him. That doesn’t make us special. It makes Jason special.

I was ready to let the idea of Auðr feeding on me go in exchange for a kiss. Of course, that got ruined. Thankfully, our first kiss hadn’t been so rudely interrupted. RUDE is the keyword. It’s not a secret that Rune is known as the asshole of the band, but calling me a half-breed mutt is as bad as those protester fucks outside calling me and others slurs for our sexuality and gender identities. As such, I don’t feel bad that I told Rune exactly what I thought and let Eclipse out enough to send the vampire flying.  

‘Fucker deserved it.’ Eclipse snorted.

Rune may be the worst of the bunch, but so far, the only one not giving me shithead vibes is Zeke. Or he was the only one till River and Leo walked in with Léonel. I’m sort of banking on the idea that Léonel won’t be an asshole. Leo’s had enough asshole parental figures. They don’t need another one. Plus, he’s related to Auðr, so he can’t be all that bad. Right?

I grinned when I saw my twin and Leo because it meant I wasn’t outnumbered. Not that Eclipse or I were worried about being the only wolf and non-band member in the room. They all saw what I did to Rune, and that was a mere bitch slap. I’m not afraid to throw down when necessary. I grinned as I hugged Leo and River, keeping my arm around my twin’s shoulders as I turned to my mate and his band.

“Everyone meet my twin, River, and their mate Leo.” I introduced. “You both know everyone’s names, but that one...” I pointed at Auðr. “Is Auðr, and alllll he’s mine.”

Auðr squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose. He’s adorable as he discovered that being with me is gonna be oh so much fun. He’ll eventually get used to it. We’re mates. We’re meant for each other. All the mates I know complement each other’s personalities. And while I don’t know Auðr half as well as I’d like, I can already tell our personalities will balance out.

“How is that even possible?” Léonel asked.

The way his head cocked and his nose wrinkled was exactly like Leo’s when they were confused by something. I love it! Getting to see where some of Leo’s mannerisms come from and how even the toxic nurture of the Hanley family and that fucking awful Silvermane pack couldn’t stop nature. I have no idea how well Jane knew Léonel before she ripped his heart out to be with that scumbag Theodore. However, I hope it was well enough that every time Leo said or did something like Léonel, it caused her pain.

“All things are possible when the Goddess is involved.” I shrugged.

“While even wolfless, I try not to speak ill of the Goddess…” Léonel frowned. “I’m not sure how a wolf and vampire pairing could or would work.” He said, glancing toward Rhapsody, who was pretending not to be staring at him and Leo.

Oh, something is going on there. I want the dirt! Why would Auðr be so hesitant about being with me if they are a thing? Or is that why? Do they have a strained relationship? They aren’t fated mates since, tragically, Léonel had been fated to that bitch who birthed Leo. So, their relationship drama shouldn’t have any bearing on Auðr and my relationship. I’ll ask Auðr about Rhapsody and Léonel later. 

“I doubt we’re the first in history. And if we are, we’re trendsetters.” I smiled. “We’ll figure it out. That’s what mates do.”

“This is so fu...” Rune started to grumble but shut up when I growled at him.

“I don’t have the time nor patience for this right now.” Auðr sighed. “We have sound check soon, and I need to grab a blood bag. You three do whatever you had originally planned for the night.”

‘I don’t like that dismissive tone.’ Eclipse grumbled.

“We planned to see the show,” River said, holding our VIP passes. “David hooked us up with these to ensure Leo could meet their dad. Plus, this one...” They pointed at me. “Is a big fan. And now it and the big poster of you on their bedroom wall makes all the sense.”

It was my turn to groan and pinch the bridge of my nose. River needed to shut up. If they didn’t shut up on their own, I’d shut them up. I did not need them to embarrass me in front of Auðr and his band. I can do that all by myself. I don’t need help. So, to shut my twin up, I put my hand over their mouth.

“And that’s enough from River,” I glared at them. “I guess we’ll let you all get ready for your set and see you after.”

“Of course.” Léonel nodded. “I’ll see you have our set, Leo. We won’t be in Portland long. We have to leave for our next gig in a couple of days. But I’d like to spend time with you, River, and the rest of their family before I go.”

“Of course. River’s parents and older brother will be thrilled to meet you.” Leo excitedly nodded.

I was thrilled for Leo. They deserved to have a good parent at last. However, I was sad that Auðr hadn’t offered to spend time with me and meet my family. I frowned when I realized Auðr had somehow slipped past all of us. He’s going to pay for that later. We’re mates. The more he fights it, the harder things will be on him.

“Don’t worry about my uncle, Sage.” Léonel patted my shoulder. “He’ll come around. He’s just well… when it comes to commitment…”

“Auðr is commitment phobic,” Zeke said. “The band is the only thing he’s ever committed to. Over the decades, some guys wanted more than a fling, and he’d be a ghost.”

“Thank you, Zeke, for that unflattering and unhelp interjection.” Léonel glared at the bass player. 

“Uncle Auðr is likely the most stubborn of the Darby line, but no one is more stubborn than the Goddess. This is her will, and he can do nothing to stop it.” Léonel assured me. “Enjoy the show, and don’t worry, I won’t let my uncle sneak off or avoid you before we leave Portland.”

“Um, thanks Léonel. No worries. Eclipse and I can handle our mate.” I said.

I could tell some of the vampires, especially Rune, wanted to say something but smartly kept their mouths shut. I’m not interested in their negativity. I got it. Auðr is one of them. And I don’t just mean a vampire. He’s a member of Immortal Eclipse. More than that, he’s their leader. They might be worried that being mated would mean the end of  Immortal Eclipse. 

It doesn’t have to. I don’t have any set plans for my future. So, there’s no reason I couldn’t just travel with the band. Sure, it might cramp their style and change the dynamic since Auðr wouldn’t be out prowling the streets for food and a fuck with them. But it would mean the band stays together. 

I’d never ask Auðr to give up the band to settle in Bloodmoon with me. I’m all for traveling the world with Auðr. If that means it’s with his band, then so be it. I’ll try to get along with them, even with Rune. There must be a way to make this work. The Goddess wouldn’t have brought us together if we were doomed to fail. I just needed to remember the inspirational words that changed my big brother’s life. 

The Goddess guides us on our paths. But we all have to put in the work to find our destinies.

The Goddess has brought us to the path, and I’ll work to find where it leads. Sitting in the VIP booth with River and Leo, I sighed, looking at my yummy mate on stage. I hoped he’d not reject me in the long run and would be willing to walk this path and work with me to see why the Goddess brought us together.

Chapter 7 - Auðr

Was it wrong of me to duck out while Sage was distracted by their sibling? Maybe. I could handle the repercussions later. My time was running out, and I needed to feed. This whole situation was not one I could deal with on an empty stomach, let alone play a four-hour set. 

Of course, I took the chance to get out of there. I managed to find a fridge with some blood bags. I mentally thanked Albert for ensuring we always had this. I don’t know what he tells the humans, and I don’t care. I was finishing my third blood bag when the others found me backstage. 

They’d all changed into their performance clothes. I was already dressed to perform, though I’ll likely lose the jacket while we play. It’s sort of my thing. I liked dressing up when we started our set, but I often wear less by the end. It’s hot on stage, damn it. The crowd enjoys seeing me remove clothes and, if I’m feeling generous, catch them when I throw them into the audience.

“So, a mate.” Léonel was the first to speak as he leaned on an amp beside me.

“What does that mean for the rest of us? For the future of Immortal Eclipse?” Zeke asked. 

“I think we’d all like that answer.” Zeidan agreed.

“I sure the fuck will not agree to that….” Rune started to speak, but when I unintentionally snarled, he shut up.

“Fucking hell. What’s gotten into me?” I grumbled, rubbing a hand over my face. 

“I’m sorry, Rune. Just… don’t be disrespectful right now.” I apologized. 

“The mate bond, that’s what’s gotten into you, uncle. It’s a powerful thing that can make people act crazy. It makes one temperamental and protective of their mate, especially when they aren’t marked.” Léonel sighed.

Rapsody shifted uncomfortably in her fire-engine red heel boots. The girl needs to get over these damn insecurities. She’s eighty-eight fucking years old. She shouldn’t still be that insecure girl with daddy issues on top of abandonment issues who tried to OD on heroin in the 60s. I put the girl into therapy cause if any of the people I sired that needed it the most, it was her. Yet, she’s still afraid of losing my nephew simply to the memory of a cunt that broke him.

“Whatever,” Rune grumbled. “I don’t feel safe with them around. I’d quit before agreeing to them being on the road with us.”

“Okay. Someone needs to fill me in. What could that kid have done that is quitting worthy?” Léonel arched his brow as he looked at the others.

“Rune was being his stupid self and insulted Sage. So, Sage not only insulted him back, they bitch slapped him across the room.” I explained. 

“I called them what they are,” Rune argued.

“No. You used a slur for what they are. Sage is a hybrid. What you called them is not different, better, or more acceptable than those protesters outside calling me a faggot.” I argued.

“Not cool, Rune.” Léonel shook his head. “Calling a hybrid anything but a hybrid or a wolf is like someone calling you a redskin or some other racial slur against Indigenous folks.”

“Do not call me that, wolf,” Rune hissed.

“See.” Léonel sighed. “That visceral reaction to even the implication of being called that or similar slurs is how Sage and every hybrid feels when called a half-breed or similar slur.”

“Whatever. I still feel unsafe if they are on the road with us. Plus, Auðr would be distracted the whole time, and it would ruin the dynamic of the band. It’s bad enough that you and Rhapsody are fuck buddies.” Run grumbled.

“Excuse me?” Rhapsody. “Who I fuck isn’t your business. And what goes on between Léonel and I had never negatively impacted the band. You’re the only one here with an issue of Auðr having a mate.” 

“Right. Cause you aren’t at all behaving weirdly since Léonel got that call about his kid.” Zeidan scoffed.

“We aren’t talking about Léonel’s relationship with me anyway. The subject is Auðr’s werewolf mate.” Rhapsody tried to change the subject, flustered at getting called out. 

“Not to intrude, but we’re ready for sound check.” An apprehensive staff member from the club said, poking their head through the curtain of the stage. 

“Subject closed.” I declared, tossing my blood bag in the trash to hit the stage for our sound check. 

While we did our sound check, the club was mostly empty. A few people with VIP access were already inside, like Sage. I ignored the urge to look in their direction. How did I know where they were? I could smell them, of course. That was a stupid question to ask. After the sound check, we ducked behind the curtain and waited for show time. Thankfully, we were waiting in silence. I had enough on my mind and didn’t need the band to weigh in on what I would do about Sage.

Finally, it was time for the show to begin. I took a deep breath, which was a bad idea because, despite the packed club, all I could smell was Sage. I need to get that tasty skittle out of my head and focus. I’ve never messed up a show, and I wasn’t going to start now. Fuck this mate bond bullshit. I am a fucking professional. It won’t distract me from giving the best performance possible. 

“Good evening, PORTLAND!” I shouted into the mic, smiling at the cheers of the crowd.

“I love Portland in June. I love anywhere in June.” I chuckled. “Rainbows as far as the eye can see. It’s a good month to be a member of the LGBTQ+ community.”

There was another round of cheers as rainbow lights flashed around the club. I looked out at the crowd and smiled. Everywhere I looked, people were dressed in vibrant colors, expressing their support either because they were LGBTQ+ or knew someone who was or were just decent fucking people that supported others. This is what I love about gigs during June. 

I know some people bitch about how loud and in your face Pride Month can be. But that’s the thing those people don’t understand. We need to be loud. If we aren’t loud, either literally or in how we are dressed, it lets people overlook us or, worse, oppress us. I mean, I’m loud and in people’s faces year-round. I get something of a pass from even those closed-minded fucks because I’m a celebrity. 

“I especially love how many fine-looking queers this city and the Pacific Northwest has to offer.” I winked as I made eye contact with Sage. 

A louder round of cheers and whistles. They don’t know who the wink was aimed at. All of them, or those that swing my way, hope it was for them. I didn’t plan to wink or even say that line. It came out when I looked around and locked gazes with Sage. Fucking skittle does shit to me, and they aren’t even in my personal space. Lucky me, Léonel kicked off the opening beat of the first song on the setlist.

“We’re breaking chains, not fitting molds. In vibrant hues, our stories told.” I belted out the opening lyrics and gestured to the crowd as I sang ‘in vibrant hues.’


“With hearts unbound and voices loud.” I pumped my fist up as I bopped to the music and the crowd. 

“We’re here to live. We’re here to be prooooouuuuudddd!” I held the note as the crowd sang along.

“In every beat. In every stride.” I started walking to the edge of the stage. 

“We claim our love. We won’t hide.” Oh, the irony of signing that line and unintentionally looking in Sage’s direction.

They were singing along, swaying to the beat with River and Leo. Fuck I’m in over my head. Even the lyrics I wrote long before I met Sage mock me.

“Through every storm, we stand tall. In unity, we rise, we fall.” I carried on with the song

Rhapsody lent her voice as a backup through the chorus. I moved slightly aside, letting Rune and Zeke come forward as they played their part. They may be heterosexuals, but they had fans in this audience who would love to show them what’s at the end of their rainbow. 

“Marching through the city streets. With every step, the ground it beats. We’re rewriting all the rules. In the face of those who’d call us fools.” I sang, riling up the crowd with what many fans deem the LGPTQ+ anthem.

“In every glance, in every fight. We shine our love, burning bright. Through every wall, we break free. In our pride, we find our key!” I sang with Rhapsody’s voice backing me up.

“Together we stand, a force of love. Rising from below, soaring above. With courage, we shout,” I sang, stopping to hold the mic to the crowd for the next line.

“We are here!” Their voices united.

“Defying all doubt, casting out fear.” I sang once again, stepping back to let the band take more center stage as we entered an intense instrumental segment.

“We’re the colors in the dark. The rhythm of a spark. We’re the voices in the night. In our truth, we ignite.” Rhapsody and I came together to sing.

“In unity, we find our grace. In every heart, in every face. With every breath, we claim our space. LGBTQ+, we embrace!” I sang, pumping my fist in the air as the crowd sang along. 

“Oh!” I exclaimed, bobbing around on stage as the band played.

As I bounced around, I removed my jacket to the crowd’s whistles. It wasn’t for their reactions that I smirked. And it wasn’t at some random guy I threw my coat. I thought of throwing the jacket randomly but thought better of instigating Sage and their wolf like that. Instead, I aimed for Sage and winked when they caught it and blushed when several patrons nearby grumbled at Sage’s ‘luck.’

Chapter 8 - Sage

As River so embarrassingly pointed out, I’m an Immortal Eclipse fan. Tonight was the first show I’ve been able to attend. However, I’ve seen videos of their shows online. So, I kind of knew what to expect. Auðr always talks to the audience and gets them excited for the show before they roll into the first song. The first song always changes based on the gig. It was fitting that they went with Colors In the Dark for a Pride Festival show. 

Watching videos of the shows is very different from being here live. I knew Auðr was likely to remove layers as the performance carried on. Eclipse didn’t like the idea of our mate stripping any layers of clothes for anyone but us. I felt Eclipse’s annoyance with how flirty Auðr sounded in his intro. That annoyance tempered when Auðr looked my way and winked at the end of his sentence.

That seemed to appease my wolf. There were moments during the song when it felt like only Auðr and I were in the room. His voice was hypnotic and even hotter live than on my Spotify or even listening to their records on mom’s old record player. Who’d have thought something once considered an outdated medium would make such a resurgence? No wonder everyone in the audience was so into the music—even the lesbians were all about my mate while he sang.

‘I don’t care what any of their sexualities are. Auðr is ours.’ Eclipse growled when one audience member attempted to get past security to touch Auðr. 

Auðr either didn’t notice or stayed professional by not acknowledging it. He stepped back and let Rune and Zeke come forward to play an instrumental portion of the song. Excellent timing there. It was even more excellent because Auðr removed his jacket and threw it directly at me with a wink. 

Oh fuck yeah.

Auðr can strip for me all he wants. But only for me. I’m not a fan of others getting to ogle what’s mine. Sure, it was just a jacket, but removing that top layer let his rainbow vest and black dress shirt showcase his slim but toned physique. I knew he was yummy from the posters I’d need to take off my wall before I let him see my bedroom. Though, it’s hard to know how much in real vs airbrushed when it comes to posters like that.

‘We’ll get to find out in due time.’ Eclipse liked his chops. 

River snickered and elbowed me as I hugged Auðr’s jacket against my chest. I rolled my eyes, opting to ignore my twin. They don’t get to tease me now that I’ve found my mate. Sure, I teased them about Leo, but way back when they were dating and before we knew anything about being werewolves. I haven’t messed with them since they saved Leo from that awful pack and became mates. I have enough to deal with getting Auðr onboard with being my mate.

The rest of the show was, of course, great. Auðr has a great stage presence. I’ve already covered his hypnotic voice. His jacket wasn’t the only clothing he lost, and I caught. The vest and tie ended up in my possession before the show ended. Several people in the audience were not pleased that I was ‘hoarding’ Auðr’s clothes. They hadn’t said anything directly to me, but I saw and felt their glares when he intentionally threw the items at me. 

As the final song, one of my favorites, Savage Beauty, wrapped up, I neatly folded my collection of Auðr clothes. I was ready to go backstage and meet up with Auðr. Preferably in private because we still have A LOT to talk about. However, as I went to move, a couple of guys blocked my way. I internalized a sigh but couldn’t stop my eye roll.

“You got a problem?” I asked.

I knew they did. I could easily guess what that problem was. They made it clear without words as they glared at me and looked at Auðr’s jacket, vest, and tie in my arms. They could pound sand. I’m not giving them anything. My mate gave them to me—end of story. 

“Don’t think you’re special. You’re just the flavor of the night.” The one scoffed.

“We came to warn you. You look young. We wouldn’t want to see you get hurt thinking this…” He pointed at the clothes in my arms. “Means anything serious. He’s just looking for someone to fuck tonight.”

“Who the fuck do you think you are to roll up and talk to my twin like that?” River growled. 

“Yeah. Who are you to talk like you know a damn thing about Auðr? Being a groupie doesn’t mean you know him.” Leo scoffed. 

“We aren’t groupies.” The first one scoffed.

“We’ve just been there.” The second shrugged. “I was his hook-up at their last show in San Francisco.”

It took everything I had to hold Eclipse back. They were ready to come forward, and bitch slap this dude harder than Rune. It’s crazy when I’m the logical one. Like ever. Eclipse wasn’t willing to think about it logically. He didn’t care that Auðr didn’t know us before today. He didn’t even want to consider that Auðr has slept with others, let alone look at someone who’s slept with him.

“Leo Darby?” A nervous-looking staff member squeezed past the two guys.

“Darby?” The guy who claimed to have fucked my mate blinked.

“That’s me.” Leo raised their hand.

It’s weird to hear them called a Darby. Biologically, it’s correct, and if Léonel sent this person to find Leo, he likely wouldn’t have wanted to use Theodore’s name. I totally agree with that thought process. Because that fucker and everything about him and his cunt mate shouldn’t be associated with someone as awesome as Leo. The look on Tweedle Dee and Dum’s faces was priceless. I could see the moment they started connecting the dots. 

“Your father asked that I escort you and the Carlisle twins to the dressing room. He and Auðr are waiting.” The staff member explained.

Yep. That cleared any doubts. Leo smiled and shoved hard into Dum’s shoulder. River shoved Dee’s shoulder as they followed Leo. I grinned at the dumbstruck fuckwads.

“And that fuck faces is what you get for assuming you know shit about anyone.” I flipped them off and shoved them out of my way.

“You enjoyed that way too much.” River laughed as we walked through the door to the backstage area.

“I’m not the one that called a Darby and publicly claimed as a bandmembers kid.” I shrugged.

“That was pretty cool. Too bad Auðr didn’t send that guy asking for his boo.” Leo chuckled.

“Yeah, I doubt he’d have done that. Despite the armful of clothes, we still have much talking to do to get on the same page.” I sighed. 

“It’ll be fine, Sage,” River assured me, putting an arm around my shoulder. “We’ve all got your back.”

“I don’t know if that is a comforting or terrifying sentiment.” I rolled my eyes as the club security opened a door for us.

I didn’t know what the band was talking about before we walked in, but they went silent when we walked in. Rhapsody looked at Leo like they had some disease she could catch. I seriously want to know what the fuck that’s about. If Rhapsody needs an attitude adjustment, I’m happy to help. I’d likely be kinder than if River did it. River and Lunar will likely take Rhapsody’s head off for looking at Leo wrong. 

Zeke and Zeidan at least looked indifferent to our arrival. Rune, however, was glaring at me. So, I glared right back, letting Eclipse come forward just enough to scare that fucker. He snorted and looked away. I’m pretty sure Rune is straight, but maybe he’s bi and into Auðr. It’d be a better reason to dislike me than being a speciesist twat waffle.

“Let’s head out. We still have some nights left before we need to be in our room.” Rune said, waving for the others to follow him.

Rune shoved my shoulder, totally on purpose since I wasn’t at all in his way, as he left the room. 

‘Prick.’ Eclipse growled.

‘Agreed.’ I said.

“Yeah, this feels more like a private matter anyway. Good luck, guys. We’ll see you back at the hotel or tomorrow night.” Zeidan agreed.

“Later.” Zeke smiled. “Nice to have met you three.”

There was no hostility from them as they walked out. Zeidan was a bit touch and go when I first met him, but compared to Rune, he’s great. I’m going to get along fine with those two. I looked at Rhapsody, waiting to see what she would do. Would she leave like the others, or does she have some skin in this game? She looked between Leo and Léonel before sighing.

“I’m leaving too. I’ll see you at the hotel.” She said, grabbing her purse and leaving, too.

“Sooooo…. While I have questions on what’s stuck up Rune’s ass, I’m more interested in what’s Rhapsody’s problem.” I said as soon as the door closed.

“I don’t like how she looks at my Bunno,” River grumbled, folding their arms.

“Bunno?” Léonel arched his brow, exchanging a look with Auðr.

Mmmm, Auðr. I noticed him the moment I walked in. How could I NOT? Beyond that, he’s my mate, and every cell of my body was on high alert near him. He was changing! I’d managed to distract myself with the band drama temporarily. That, however, won’t work now. Auðr had turned around SHIRTLESS, holding a black t-shirt.

Oh yeah, me likely. My likey A LOT.

All other thoughts had left my brain. Auðr was stunning. And FYI, that poster in my room is not airbrushed. 

Thank you, Goddess, for this gorgeous vampire I get to make mine. And I will make him mine. Only rejection from his lips could stop me. I don’t know if I could, let alone would want to survive a rejection from his lips.

Chapter 9 - Auðr

Was ensuring Sage caught my jacket, vest, and tie a bad idea? Maybe. Was it better than the alternative of someone else grabbing them and Sage’s wolf going all bitch slap happy in the audience? Definitely. Could I have forgoed removing the vet and tie? Sure, but that would also create questions. I’m known for tastefully disrobing during performances. If I didn’t, fans would question if something was wrong.

Léonel had stopped someone from the club and sent them to get Leo, River, and Sage. I’m sure it’ll stir up trouble, especially since he called Leo a Darby and his kid. I may not go by our surname, but Léonel still uses his birth name. So, all our fans know he’s a Darby. They’ll be curious if anyone hears that club employee all Leo a Darby. The nail in the coffin would be if they heard Leo directly referred to as Léonel’s kid. 

The press is going to have a fucking field day. I made a mental note to contact Albert. He and his company will need to handle it. I don’t want anyone bothering Leo because they are Léonel’s kid. Being the estranged kid of someone famous shouldn’t suddenly fuck up their life. Leo deserves privacy. Plus, anyone trying to track down or harass Leo must enter Bloodmoon territory. I doubt Logan would be pleased with paparazzi poking around his pack. 

“What the fuck was that, Auðr?” Rune asked as soon as we were in the back.

“The fuck are you talking about?” I asked. 

“No one missed their cues. We were all on beat and key. And more importantly, the audience loved it. What’s your problem?” Léonel asked, wiping his face with a towel.

“You threw your jacket, vest, and tie at that wolf,” Rune said. “Don’t you think that will look suspicious to our fans?”

“Maybe. It’d look more suspicious if I didn’t disrobe at all.” I shrugged as I started to change into street clothes.

“You could’ve thrown them into other areas of the audience so different people would catch them,” Rune said.

“That wouldn’t end well.” Léonel shook his head, following my lead, and started changing out of his performance outfit.

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Rune asked.

“That Sage and especially their wolf could’ve lost control and ended the night in cuffs for beating the crap out of people,” I answered.

“Would serve them right. I ought to file charges for what they did earlier.” Rune scoffed.

“Excuse me?” I turned to glare at him.

“I’d be within my right based on human laws,” Rune said, sounding uneasy as I took two steps in his direction.

“Human laws? Don’t talk to me about human laws. The only laws you need to worry about are mine and those of the Mythical Alliance.” I said. 

“Sage bitch slapped you because you deserved it. You instigated, man.” Zeke shrugged. 

“I think we all need to relax.” Rhapsody suggested, holding her hands up.

“And I think Auðr should think with his upstairs brain,” Rune said. “It’s not even been a full day, and he’s putting our livelihoods at risk for some ass.”

Yep, that’s enough of his shit. I’m not generally this guy, but Rune pushed the wrong buttons. And even if I’m unsure about Sage’s claim that I’m their mate, I’m protective of them for some damn reason. In a blink, I had Rune by the throat and off the ground. I was two seconds from ripping his head off when there was a knock at the door.

“Mister Darby, I have your kid and their friends.” Someone announced.

“Looks like Sage just saved your ass.” I snorted, letting Rune go.

I returned to getting dressed as the band fell into an uncomfortable silence. I said nothing, only nodded briefly when everyone but Rune said they were leaving. I don’t know what his issue with Sage is, but I will find out, and depending on whether he can move past it, either kick him out or kill him. He ought to know I’m not above killing someone, and if he’s going to make shit worse for everyone, especially Sage, I’ll end him myself. 

I chuckled when Sage was more curious about Rhapsody’s issue than Rune’s. It’s probably for the best. I don’t know what precisely Rune’s issue is to answer. And I don’t want Sage to get the wrong ideas about me almost snapping his neck a moment ago for basically saying Sage was a piece of ass. I’m not willing to think too much about that reaction. I already know what my nephew would say the reason is—the mate bond.

Focusing on Rhapsody, her issues with Leo, and all the child represented was easier than even thinking about my problems. I’ve got plenty of problems, and all of them are spelled S-a-g-e. I don’t know what I will do about them and what being around them is doing to me. However, I could think of a few indecent suggestions, especially given how Sage was looking at me as I turned around.

“What’s a bunno?” I asked, focusing on the weird pet name River used rather than the indecent thoughts.

“I’m Bunno.” Leo pointed at themselves. “River’s called me that for years.”

“It’s a choice, but all right.” I shrugged, pulling my shirt on.

“So, back to my question. What’s Rhapsody’s issue?” Sage asked.

“Rhapsody issue? There’s only so many hours till dawn.” I half-joked as Léonel elbowed me.

“That’s not nice, Uncle Auðr.” Léonel shook his head. “And we shouldn’t discuss Rhapsody when she’s not here.”

“Who cares if she’s here? She’s the one giving Leo weird looks. So give us the CliffsNotes version.” River scoffed.

“Is CliffsNotes still a thing?” I wrinkled my nose.

“No clue. I haven’t heard that name outside of that Alicia Silverstone movie from the 90s.” Léonel shrugged.

“We get it, you’re all old.” River rolled his… their, I don’t know what River or Sage even identify as, eyes. 

“Just give us the short version of why she’d have beef with me.” Leo sighed, folding their arms.

For a moment, I was transported to the 1920s, with my younger sister Marie exasperated with Joseph and me. It’s crazy how little innocuous gestures and behaviors can take you back in time and remind you of someone you used to know. It’s one of the reasons I rarely ever go to the old family home—all those Darbys. I couldn’t handle it. It’s enough to see Léonel daily and be reminded of my brother. Leo was undoubtedly a Darby. It appears nature beat out nurture, not that anything about the tidbits I’ve heard of her upbringing could be called nurture.

“Fine. Short version it is.” I nodded. “Rhapsody has been fucking your dad for the seven… yeah, it was seven years ago…today that I caught them fucking in MY hotel room.”

“First, ew. Second, so why be mad at me?” Leo asked.

“Did Léonel not wish her a happy anniversary today? Or does she think that finding out he has a kid will make him give all his time to Leo?” River asked. 

“One, it wasn’t your hotel room. You and I were sharing a room, and you were supposed to be out feeding and doing, I don’t want to know what.” Léonel corrected. 

“Potato potahto. I didn’t want to see my great great great-nephew balls deep in my keyboard player. Hetro sex is the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen.” I shuddered.

Sage snickered, at least.

“As for our fuck buddy anniversary, Rhapsody has never been big on celebrating it. I did tell her happy anniversary today.” Léonel explained. 

“And I don’t think it’s so much she’s concerned about any division of my attention or focus. That’s Rune’s problem. Rhapsody is a female vampire. Meaning she could never have children and died before she had any in life.” Léonel said.

“So, I freak her out because she can’t have kids, and now you have one? What the fuck kind of nonsense is that? I’m not a little kid that you need to take care of. I’m a fully mated werewolf. I live with my mate and their family. I’m not looking to uproot your life.” Leo furrowed their brow. 

“It’s not that. It’s just the reminder of what Rhapsody can’t have.” Léonel said.

“While I won’t promise, it’s not that. I can tell you everyone in this band has some level of damage we carry.” I shrugged.

“Oh? And what’s your damage?” Sage asked, cocking their head slightly, making strands of purple hair fall across their face. 

“Deep seeded hatred for homophobic cunts.” I smiled.

“Uncle Auðr was beaten to near death by a punch of homophobic men in the 1920s because he slept with one of their brothers,” Léonel explained.

“Damn.” River whistled.

“That’s how you were turned?” Sage asked.

“Pretty much. Caleb found me near death in an alley where they left me. I wouldn’t have survived my injuries. He offered me vengeance. I took it and thoroughly enjoyed draining every one of those fuckers.” I nodded.

“Makes sense.” River nodded. 

“I’d probably do the same. Did the rest of the band have similar experiences that led to someone turning them? How did they end up in a band with you?” Sage asked.

“There’s a trend to everyone that’s been part of Uncle Auðr’s band. Myself included.” Léonel admitted with a frown.

“What does that mean?” Leo asked.

“Léonel, like the others, were suicidal when I found them,” I explained. “Your egg donor and her scumbag did a number on my poor nephew,” I said, squeezing his shoulder.

“I don’t like to think about that time of my life, but yeah. I was at my lowest point when he found me and brought me into the band. They had an opening for a drummer; even drunk, I could carry a beat.” Léonel said.

“That… explains so much. Not about you, Léonel. I mean about the others. Does that mean you sired everyone else in the band?” Sage asked.

“Yes. Léonel is the only one I haven’t sired. But he’s a wolf, and I don’t think the world is ready for a vampire-werewolf. I don’t even know if that’s possible.” I nodded.

“So that’s Rune’s problem. And in a way, all their problems with me,” Sage sighed.

“Rune’s problem is he’s a little fuckwad who forgets that I have killed not only my fellow vampires but even our old drummer, who had been the first I ever sired,” I said.

“You killed your last drummer? Why?” River asked.

“Can we get back to him implying he was going to kill Rune ’cause he has a problem with Sage?” Leo chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. The last thing I want any of them, especially Sage, to think is that Rune’s attitude toward Sage was pissing me off. It is, but it’s not because of Sage specifically. I don’t like when anyone is unnecessarily an asshole to someone else., Especially when they are being an asshole to someone and using things like their race, species, gender, or sexuality against them.

Chapter 10 - Sage

I was unsurprised that Rune probably said or did something duchy, and my reluctant mate took offense on my behalf. Auðr may be in full denial about our mate bond, but I’ve seen the glimmers of his protective side. He’s trying so hard to keep that canoe afloat and moving in that river of denial, but it sounds like he’s lost his paddles, and that canoe is starting to rock. I wonder what more it will take to get him out of that boat and his denial. 

“What does me having sired Rune and the others have to do with any of them disliking you?” Auðr asked.

“Well, I figure that there’s some sire bond. They are all attached to you as their creator. I mean, you probably have some bond with Caleb. Right?” I said. 

“A bond to Caleb… I guess.” Auðr shrugged. “We’re friends, and I respect him. However, I can be away from him and live as I see fit without interfering with how he lives his.”

“That’s the difference between you and the band, Uncle Auðr. Caleb didn’t find you at your lowest. He found you near death, yes, but not at your lowest. If anything, he found you at your most pissed off. The band had all tried to kill themselves, having lost the will to live. You gave them something to live for. You finding a mate, a werewolf mate at that, makes them worry you’ll leave the band. Without you and this band, what do they have?” Léonel said.

“I’m not looking to break the band up. I’m no Yoko. I love living in Bloodmoon and being with my family, but I’m down to be wherever Auðr is. I wouldn’t cramp their style. They can feed and whatever. That’s not my business.” I held my hands up.

“Don’t worry about the band. When I’ve decided what’s happening, I’ll have a band meeting, and we’ll talk about it. The band doesn’t have to break up no matter what happens between us.” Auðr sighed.

“That doesn’t sound like a rejection, but it also doesn’t sound like you’re accepting my siblings.” River frowned.

“It’s okay, River. Bloodmoon respects the mate bond, but we also respect our mates. If Auðr is uncertain, I can’t blame him. The only reason I’m not freaking out with intrusive thoughts and uncertainty is I have Eclipse, and he is all in on being with Auðr.” I assured my twin, not wanting him to cause a scene.

“Fine. I’ll leave that subject alone.” River sighed. “I still want to know about the old drummer.”

“Fine. It’s not all that interesting of a story.” Auðr sighed.

I think he was happy about the subject change, and I don’t blame him. 

“Corwin was a sloppy and disgraceful vampire who crossed an uncrossable line that would’ve gotten all of us on the Order’s radar. So, I did what was necessary and killed him before the rest of us could be held to any level of accountability by human laws or the Order.” Auðr explained.

“What did Corwin do that was so bad you had to kill him?” River asked.

“Beyond that, he wasn’t disposing of his victims properly. He had decided to switch his victim type to children. The moment I found out he’d been feeding on children, it was over for him.” Auðr said.

“Well fuck. That’s a well-deserved demise.” Leo nodded. 

“What about my question about Rune? I mean, I’m sure it’s just the mate bond, but what happened that made you want to kill him?” Leo asked.

“It wasn’t specifically about Rune or his issue with Sage.” Auðr shook his head.

“Rune has always been an asshole. He likes to present himself as an open-minded person. He says he’s respectful to all people when he isn’t. Over the years, he’s gotten worse at letting his specialism slip through. Many vampires look down on humans despite being one before turning because they are our food. Which is why he was rude to Hana the first time Albert brought her to a show. Also, as a vampire, he looks down on werewolves, no offense, because again, it’s common among our species to dislike werewolves.” Auðr said.

“Okay, so Rune is a cunt. And you’re sticking to the story, and it has nothing to do with Sage and how you feel about them.” Leo said, accepting Auðr’s answer while also teasing him.

Auðr groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. My poor mate is in for so much annoyance with my family. Granted, meeting River and Leo first might have gotten the worst out of the way. However, it’s hard to say how Mom, Daddy Hale, and Austin will handle meeting my vampire.  I’m not super worried about Suzie. She’s pretty chill about most things. However, I should probably keep her away from Rune. If he thought my slap hurt, Suzie would crush his bones. 

“Okay, enough teasing, my mate,” I said. “It’s getting late, and we should go home before Mom or Daddy Hale come looking for us.”

“Daddy Hale?” Auðr arched his brow.

“Ooo, is some jealous that his mate called another ‘daddy’?” River teased. 

“I told you to stop teasing him.” I smacked my twin in the arm. “He’s our stepdad. We just started calling him Daddy Hale, mostly because it makes him twitch. But he’s awesome and fully mates to our mom.” I assured Auðr.

“I see. The poor man.” Auðr said.

“Hale, as in Hale Shelton?” Léonel asked.

“Yeah, that’s him. Why? How do you know him?” I asked.

“Well, other than that, he was a white wolf, something rare. My grandmother Bethany’s brother was Edith Gibson’s grandfather. Her mate is Maxton Walterson. Maxton was friends with Hale. So, we heard about how Hale lost his wolf when his mate died. Many in my family used Hale as an example of how a person could carry on without a mate and a wolf.” Léonel explained.

“Oh…” I glanced at River, who was thinking the same thing as I was.

‘That a high standard to hold anyone to. Will this make meeting our family weirder?’ I asked in our link.

‘Maybe? I mean, this is our family. Weird is kind of our family’s MO.’ River chuckled. 

“Is it going to be a problem for you to meet him? Especially not that he’s gotten a second chance mate with Erin and his wolf back?” Leo asked.

“Yeah. I’ll be fine. It’s not Hale’s fault my parents tried to use him as a healthy example of how to face life without a mate or wolf.” Léonel waved dismissively.

“Cool. Then we’re still on for you to come by tomorrow?” Leo asked.

“Of course. Do you need a ride home? Do either of you have a license, let alone a car?” Léonel asked.

“We both have our licenses and borrowed Daddy Hale’s car,” River said, holding the keys.

“All right. Well, text me when you get home and the address so we can stop by tomorrow. Léonel instructed.

“We? Are you talking like you’re royalty now? Or talking about the mouse in your pocket?” Auðr arched his brow.

“We as in you and I, Uncle Auðr.” Léonel rolled his eyes. “Tomorrow is our free day. I’m going to spend time with Leo, and you are going to spend time with Sage and figure your shit out. And before you try to argue with me, do not make me call Caleb or, possibly worse, tell Albert, who will tell Hana.”

“I don’t think you or anyone you mentioned gets to meddle in my life.” Auðr shook his head.

“Think what you like, but one way or another, you’re going with me tomorrow evening. You can’t simply ignore finding a mate.” Léonel sighed.

“Do you just not want to be around me?” I frowned, holding his clothes a little tighter to my chest.

“Sage…” Auðr sighed. “Fine. I’ll come over tomorrow night. We can discuss all this without my bandmates interjecting their opinions.”

“Good. And I’ll keep my family from butting their noses in, too.” I smiled. “Did you want these back, or do I get to keep them?” I asked, offering his clothes. 

“It’s fine. I have a rather extensive wardrobe simply because I throw clothes into the audience.” Auðr held a hand up.

“Good to know. Then I guess I’ll see you tomorrow night.” I smiled, feeling shy now that I had to say goodnight.

“Just kiss your mate goodbye, and let’s go home.” River shoved me into Auðr.

I stumbled forward. It wasn’t some romantic comedy moment or anything. I leaned too far forward and headbutted Auðr in the chest while he was trying to steady me. As he grunted from the impact, I went to right myself, and I knocked into his chin. We both ended up on the floor. Auðr was rubbing his jaw, and I was rubbing the top of my head. All while River, Leo, and Léonel were laughing at our misfortune. 

“Fucking… thick… skulled… wolves…” Auðr cursed.

“Sory… fuck… I didn’t… ow… to.” I apologized. 

“Oh, you two are just precious.” Léonel laughed.

“Go fuck yourself, Léonel,” Auðr grumbled as he got to his feet and then pulled me to mine. 

“Are you all right?” Auðr asked, touching the top of my head.

“Yeah, though, shouldn’t I be asking you that? You’re the one that got headbutted in the chest and jaw.” I chuckled, touching his chin.

Mmm. There goes those sparks again. Everyone else faded away when I locked eyes with Auðr. There was no stopping what happened next, even if I wanted to, which, for the record, I wanted this to happen. I don’t know who moved first. I don’t care either. All that mattered was Auðr’s lips on mine. Damn, do I like how he kisses. Too bad it didn’t last long. Auðr pulled back and cleared his throat.

“You three should go home. I’ll see you tomorrow, and we can talk then.” Auðr said, putting his hands in his pockets.

“All right. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I smiled.

I grabbed the jacket, vest, and tie I’d dropped and left with a big smile. Not simply because I’d get to see Auðr tomorrow. I was smiling because I suspected he did the hands-in-pockets move to keep them to himself. I ignored River and Leo’s teasing on the drive home, too lost in thoughts about Auðr and what tomorrow would bring. I hope my family will like him and vice versa. I need tomorrow to go just right to convince him our mating is right.

Chapter 11 - Auðr

Knock. Knock. KNOCK! KNOCK!

I groaned at the incessant knocking at my hotel room door. I knew who it was. Léonel told me last night when we got to the hotel that he’d get me an hour after sunset to head to Bloodmoon. The sun had set an hour ago, so my time was up.  I’d told the rest of the band we’d be in Bloodmoon. Rune wasn’t happy about it, but I told him to keep his mouth shut, or I’d shut it permanently. I’ll deal with him and the band after I’ve talked to Sage tonight.

“You are annoyingly prompt,” I grumbled as I opened the door.

“Nice to see you too, Uncle Auðr.” Léonel smiled.

His smile fell a little as he took in my choice of outfit. My nephew had chosen dressy casual clothes, so he kept his jeans and leather jacket but put on a red button-down that I’d bet he even ironed. On the other hand, I wore what I’d usually wear on a day off. Today, I’d decided to wear black skinny jeans with rips, my black Dock Martins, and an oversized white t-shirt with a skull face. I saw nothing wrong with what I’d put on after my shower. 

“What?” I asked, folding my arms.

“That’s what you’re going to wear? You’re meeting Sage’s family. Their parents. Shouldn’t you want to, oh, I don’t know, make a better first impression?” Léonel asked.

“Better first impression?” I arched my brow. 

Was he serious? Even as a young man, I didn’t dress to impress others. I wore what I wanted. I dress up for shows and events.  Meeting Sage’s family was a byproduct of going to talk to them. I don’t need to impress their family. Let them think whatever they want. I’m not going there to seek their validation.

“Léonel, I’m a hundred twenty-eight years old. I don’t give a fuck what anyone’s first impression of me is. I’m going there to talk to Sage and resolve this situation before we go to our next show.” I shook my head.

“I know, but they are your mate. You should want their family, especially their parents, to like you.” Léonel frowned.

I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. I don’t need to breathe, but it helps calm me. I didn’t want to say the first thing that came to mind. I’m not unnecessarily cruel, especially to my family. So, I wouldn’t ask him how looking the part of the respectable male worked when it came to Jane and her family. That was crossing a line that didn’t need to be crossed. I won’t use his pain against him. 

“And why are you dressed all presentable? These people are Leo’s in-laws. What does it serve you to jump through hoops to try and impress them?” I asked.

“That may be true, but given the impression they have of the people who were present to raise Leo, I don’t want them to believe my absence all these years makes me anything like them.” He admitted.

“Léonel…” I sighed. “You are far superior a person, and in less than a day of knowing Leo, already a better parent than either of those fuckers could dream of being.” 

“You’re saying that because we’re family.” He said.

“No. While I probably tolerate you more than I would anyone else because we’re family. That’s not it. I’ll happily call out anyone in our family tree who’s a shithead. But you, Léonel, have always been a good man.” I assured, squeezing his shoulder.

“If these wolves can’t see that or give you shit for not knowing about Leo… I’ll kick their asses,” I promised with a smile.

“Uncle Auðr, please… on great great grandpa Joseph’s soul, promise me you won’t do anything violent.” Léonel pleaded.

“Fine. I won’t hurt anyone. I suppose it’s for the best. Because if I lashed out while in Bloodmoon territory, I’d have to deal with worse than Hana. I’d have to deal with Logan. I’ve yet to have the pleasure of his acquaintance, and I can only assume that hospitalizing his pack members would get me banned from the area.” I lamented. 

“Good. Now, with all that out of the way. Have you fed? Do we need to stop on the way?” Léonel asked.

“I’ve had two blood bags. I’ll be fine.” I said as I pointed to the two blood bags in the trash.

“Then, if you’re ready, let’s go. You may not be eating, but Leo said Hale and Erin are hosting a BBQ for us tonight.” He said, waving for me to follow him. 

“Oh, fun.” My voice was heavy with sarcasm as I flipped my black fedora on and followed him out. 

The drive to the Shelton house in Bloodmoon took about two hours. It was a quiet neighborhood. Though I expected that Bloodmoon would be a peaceful place for years, I think the last time something big went down here was the massive ‘earthquake’ the Incubi Luna caused when her kid sister, the now Delta female of Bloodmoon, was kidnapped. Maybe that’s why vampires and other species have issues with wolves. The kind of power some of them possess is crazy. 

“This is it,” Léonel announced as he pulled up to the curb outside a split-level traditional house. 

Three cars were already in the driveway: a black jeep, a white sedan, and a gray SUV. How many live in this house? Or did the Sheltons invite more guests to their BBQ? I shrugged and climbed out of our rental car. A couple of their neighbors were staring. That was expected. Bloodmoon may be allies to Caleb’s clan, and their Princess might be mated to Albert, but that doesn’t mean that a vampire rolling up to a random house is common. Léonel nodded his head politely while I flashed my fangs. 

“Behave,” Léonel whispered just as the front door swung open.

“Auðr!” Sage shouted as they jumped down the steps at me.

“Fuck hell,” I grunted, having to catch them.

If the neighbors weren’t already staring, they sure were now. I’m certain we were quite the spectacle. For all the shit Léonel had given me about my outfit, Sage was dressed similarly. Their outfit at the Pride Festival wasn’t just for the festival. Tonight, Sage was wearing combat boots, fishnets, cutoff shorts, a black Immortal Eclipse tee, and a red flannel with the sleeves slightly rolled up their forearms. They looked good. I’m not saying otherwise. However, jumping on me like this was very impulsive and trusting of them. 

“Sage Casper Carlisle!” A red-haired woman shouted from the door. “Get off your guest.”

“But mom…” Sage pouted, turning their head to look at her. “He’s my mate. You’d jump on Daddy Hale if the opportunity were there.”

“Based on the noises from their room, I’m pretty sure she jumped on him plenty last night.” River snickered from behind their mother, quickly ducking away before she could swat him. 

I turned my head to look at Léonel. We can’t communicate telepathically, but my expression said it all. He was worried about how my outfit would look. He worried about the impression I would make on these people. I don’t think I’m the one Léonel should’ve been concerned about in this scenario. At least not in the sense of worry about the kind of impression I’d make.

“Misters Darby.” Sage’s mother forced a smile to greet Léonel and me. “I’m Erin Carlisle, please come inside. My mate and the rest of the family are in the yard.”

“Thank you, ma’am. I’m Léonel, Leo’s… dad. And this is my uncle, Auðr.” Léonel introduced us as he walked up the steps.

“We were told all about you both last night. Leo couldn’t stop gushing about finding you and needing to send a thank you gift to David for finding you. As for Auðr, my Sage hasn’t shut up about him.” Erin chuckled. 

“I see,” I said, putting Sage down despite their pouting. “I don’t intend to be here long. I’m just here to speak with Sage.”

“He’s just cranky because he had to drink from a blood bag. Please, ignore him, Miss Carlisle.” Léonel smiled at Erin while elbowing my side.

“Come on, Auðr. I want you to meet my dad, older brother, and sister-in-law.” Sage insisted as they grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs into the house.

I could hear Erin and Léonel chuckling as they followed us. I’d expected a living room at the front of the house, but instead, it was a formal dining room that Sage pulled me through first. Unlike most people’s formal dining rooms, theirs looked used often. I wondered how many people lived here or if they hosted large family dinners that often. 

Next, I was pulled through the kitchen with a breakfast nook and to the great room. The great room had plenty of seating, and the walls were covered with pictures. Maybe if I were more interested, I’d want to take a closer look at all the photos, but I wasn’t interested. I also wasn’t given time to look at anything as Sage continued pulling me through the house. We exited the patio doors from the great room and onto the deck.

The yard was decorated for a big party. Colorful balloons were tied along the deck and at the ends of the long picnic table. And rainbow string lights- I don’t mean they were arranged in rainbow colors, but they were little rainbows strung around the space to give the yard a soft glow now that it was dark. An older man, I’ll assume Hale, was at the grill, while a blonde male and woman with light brown hair were laughing about something at the table with Leo and River. Everyone’s heads turned to look at us, or me specifically. 

“Hey, everyone! Auðr’s here!” Sage waved. “Come on, I’ll introduce you.” They smiled, tugging me forward.

“Evening.” I nodded.

I am too old for this meet-the-family bullshit. Not to mention, I’ve yet to agree to do anything with Sage. I haven’t directly rejected them, but that doesn’t mean I’ve accepted anything. I’m no wolf, so this needs to be discussed and decided on like normal people. Meeting these people was something Léonel wanted to do. I don’t fault him for it. These are the people Leo stays with. He may not have known about Leo till the other day, but he has the instincts of a dad. He wants to know Leo is safe.

Chapter 12 - Sage

“Where’s my… Léonel ?” Leo asked cocking their head, still unsure how to address him.

“I’m right here.” Léonel greeted, patting Auðr’s shoulder. “It’s going to be fine, uncle. It’s just a bunch of wolves.” I heard him whisper

“Hello. I’m Hale Shelton. Welcome to our house.” Dad greeted as Mom moved to his side. 

“You’ve met my mate and already know River and Leo. This is my son Austin and his mate Suzanne Walterson.” He gestured to my older brother and his mate.

“It’s nice to meet you all. Thank you for inviting us. I know it’s all a bit awkward.” Léonel said. “I’m Léonel Darby, and this is my great great uncle Auðr.” He introduced.

“My mate.” I proudly declared, squeezing his hand.

“So you’ve mentioned.” Hale smiled fondly at me.

The dude has always accepted how crazy River and I can be. That’s why we love him and so easily call him dad. He’s the best dad either of us could ask for. I’m thankful every day he’s in our lives. And tonight, I hope his easily accepting and calming presence will help Auðr see a life with me can work.

“About a billion times since you got home last night.” Austin rolled his eyes.

“Don’t be rude.” Suzie nudged his side, making him double over like it hurt.

I giggled because I love Suzie. She’s fucking awesome, and her strength is off the charts. I love how she can so easily hurt someone. She’s like Spider-man, always having to hold back her full strength. That kind of control is crazy. I don’t think I could manage it. I barely manage to control Eclipse’s power.

‘I control my power, thank you very much.’ Eclipse snorted.

“Control, babe. Play hitting requires a lighter touch.” Austin said, rubbing his side.

Suzie rolled her eyes but gently rubbed Austin’s back and kissed his cheek to soothe his pain and likely ego. I’d feel bad for my brother, but he’s the one mated to the chick with super strength. He needs to toughen up.

“I see the Gibson strength has carried on.” Léonel smiled.

“The Gibson strength? You know my mom’s family?” Suzie blinked as her attention turned to Léonel. 

“Yes, we’re distant cousins. My grandmother, Bethany Gibson, is Christopher Gibson’s sister. Making your grandfather Stephen Gibson my first cousin once removed and your mother my second cousin.” Léonel explained.

“Whoa, that’s kind of cool. I knew Mom was from les Ombres Sanctifiées. I didn’t realize we were cousins of the Darby family. That means… Leo, we’re cousins and in-laws. And I’m related to Shikoba and Shannon.” Suzie smiled at this revelation.

“Hell yeah!” Leo held their hand up for a high five that Suzie gently returned.

“N-E-Way.” I smiled, squeezing Auðr’s hand again. “Now that you’ve met, Auðr and I are going to my room to talk.”

“Right ‘talk’.” River chuckled.

“River, knock it off.” Mom scolded. 

“That’s fine, Sage. Come back outside when you’re done talking. You still need to eat dinner, and we’d like a chance to talk with Auðr.” Hale said.

“Great. We’ll be back later.” I waved and tugged Auðr to follow.

“See you later, Uncle Auðr. Do try and behave.” Léonel taunted, earning him a middle finger from Auðr as we returned inside.

“You really didn’t want to meet my family, huh?” I asked, letting his hand go as soon as we were out of eyesight.

“Sage, I’m over a hundred years old. Meeting the parents isn’t a thing I do.” Auðr sighed. “I agreed to come here so we could talk. That’s all. And I mean talking, not what your win was implying.”

“Okay.” I nodded, trying to hide my disappointment. 

“Come on, my room’s in the basement.” I waved for him to follow me as I headed for the stairs.

“Why do you have a room in the basement? I’d think this house has enough rooms upstairs, and you and River would have your rooms and still have a room for your parents.” Auðr commented as he followed me. 

“Maybe if Austin and Suzie didn’t live here too.” I shrugged. “River and I were sharing a room. Then Leo moved in, and I took the basement that Dad finished as a bedroom with a full bath. I didn’t want to sleep in a room with a couple on either side of me.”

“That makes sense,” Auðr said.

I nervously opened my bedroom door and led him in. I’d taken down any of the posts of him I had up. I left the band posts that were just their ankh symbol. He knows I’m a fan, so there’s no reason to hide that. I sat on the bed and gestured for him to sit, too.

“You can sit on the bed too, or if you want the space, I have my desk chair.” I offered.

Auðr ran a hand over his face but sat on the bed. Maybe there is hope for our mating after all.

“Sage, you need to see this from my perspective. I’m not trying to come off as a dick or rude. I’m an old and very gay vampire in a fairly famous band.” He gestured to the poster on my wall.

“And I’m an eighteen-year-old non-binary demisexual hybrid werewolf who likes dick and tends to dress more femme despite having a dick. So what? I don’t see how any of that changes that we’re mates.” I countered.

“The same point I’ve been making this whole time. Vampires do not have fated mates. And there’s never been a case of a werewolf having a vampire or any other species beyond a human as a fated mate that I know of.” Auðr said.

“Hold on.” I jumped off the bed and grabbed the big Firewolf mating book at my desk.  

“This is an ancient book on all werewolf mating. It’s been maintained by Luna Aurelia’s birth pack for centuries. Dad asked the keeper, Mr. Tracey, to borrow it.” I explained as I returned and opened the book.

“Okay. And what’s it say about vampires?” Auðr asked, leaning closer to look.

“Well…” I frowned, turning to the section about vampires. 

“There is zero chance of a werewolf being mated to a vampire. Due to the species’ longstanding dislike for each other, chosen mating between them is exceptionally rare. As such, the chances of a lupire, the hybrid offspring of a female werewolf and male vampire, are extremely low. In the species’ history, only five confirmed lupires have been born. Only one confirmed lupire had a wolf spirit.” Auðr read the paragraph.

“Just because there haven’t been documented matings doesn’t mean it’s impossible. I know what I feel, Auðr. My wolf knows what he feels. We could be the first vampire and werewolf fated mates. And look...” I pointed to the page. 

“There is still documentation on the mating between a werewolf and vampire couple. They wouldn’t know this if it hadn’t happened, even if they know it because of those rare chosen matings.” I said.

“Sage…” Auðr sighed but didn’t argue like I thought he would.

“Should a werewolf take a vampire mate, their mating must occur during a blood moon to ensure the survival of both parties.” I read, pointing to the line. “See, werewolves and vampires can be mates, even if this book doesn’t have a documented example of a fated couple like us.”

“Great. From entertainment and music magazines to being in a dusty werewolf book.” Auðr rolled his eyes.

“You might call it a dusty werewolf book, but being put in this book means we’re werewolf history. Generations of werewolves will know about us long after we’re gone.” I chuckled and nudged his side.

“I still haven’t decided this is something I’d want. No offense to you, Sage, but I’ve never wanted to be married or after I became a vampire mated.” Auðr said.

I took a deep breath and closed the book. I was trying to prepare myself for what was coming. I didn’t want to be rejected, but I can’t make Auðr want to be with me. I can’t make him take a chance and accept the gift the Goddess has given us.

“If you’re going to reject me, just be quick about it. Then I suggest getting as far away as possible. Cause I don’t know what my family will want to do to you in the aftermath.” I warned.

“Sage… I’m not…” Auðr sighed. “I don’t know what I want, alright. I’m attracted to you and deny that as much as I like being around you, especially touching you, it sends sparks through me.”

“Then what are we going to do? Eclipse and I want to be with our mate. We want this. We want you.” I asked, trying to understand.

“I’m not entirely sure. I have three more shows this month before we get a month off. After those shows, if you want to meet and see where this could go, I’m okay with that.” Auðr offered.

“And what about between now and then? Are we in relationship limbo?” I asked.

“We can still talk since I’ll be on the road, and I can’t exactly bring you with me. And not because of Rune or any others in the band. All of our expenses are covered by the label and paid for. Adding a person adds expense, adds additional need for security, and draws attention from fans and the media.” Auðr explained.

“Yeah, your fans… like the ones you hook up with?” I asked, remembering the guy from last night.

“Are you really going to sit here and slut shame me?” Auðr asked, arching his brow.

“Sorry. Jealousy is a bitch, and there was a guy at the club last night who pissed Eclipse and me off, saying he was your hook up in San Francisco.” I admitted. 

“Ahh. I won’t say I’m sorry because I don’t control people. And I can’t say you won’t run into people I’ve slept with if this becomes something.” Auðr sighed.

“Will I run into NEW people you’ve slept with? Like people you’ve fucked since meeting me?” I asked, terrified and pissed at the very idea.

“What? No.” Auðr shook his head. “If we agree in seeing where this goes, I wouldn’t be fucking other people. I may never have tried monogamy, but I know how it works.”

I grinned and, without thinking, threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck as I kissed him. I couldn’t help him. He was going to give us a chance. He wasn’t accepting me as his mate and offering to mark me at the next blood moon. But it wasn’t a rejection, and that’s all I could ask for. Our make-out session, however, wasn’t long-lived, as I heard Dad in our link.

‘Sage, I don’t want to interrupt, but you and Auðr must come upstairs immediately. Alpha Logan and some elders from Steelcrest are here looking for you.’ Dad said.

Alpha Logan? Here? Looking for me? Steelcrest? Why did that name sound familiar and ominous? I guess I was going to find out.

Chapter 13 - Auðr

What did I just agree to? I haven’t been thinking clearly since meeting Sage yesterday. And now, sitting on their bed with this damn wolf mating book, which didn’t say us being mates was impossible and how sure they are of all this. Outside of my sexuality, I don't think I’ve ever been as sure of something as Sage is that I’m their mate.

I’d come here with a mind of telling Sage this wasn’t going to happen. You can see where that determination got me. I have agreed to a monogamous, long-distance relationship with an eighteen-year-old who, despite describing themselves as a demisexual, has a habit of getting their tongue in my mouth. I’m not complaining about the last part.

Kissing Sage was strangely better than that first sip of fresh blood after waking up. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, compare it to that first sip of coffee or your drink of choice that wakes you up and makes life tolerable. Things were getting good when I felt Sage check out, so to speak, from the kiss. We had been lying in bed making out when they suddenly went stiff. No, I’m not talking about their dick and pulled back.

“Sage? Is everything okay? I touch somewhere you weren’t cool with? Moved faster than you were good with?” I asked.

Yes, I asked thoughtful consent-based questions. The kid said they are demisexual. That doesn’t mean they aren’t into sex and other forms of intimacy but that they require a certain level of emotional connection to the person they are intimate with. Sage said I’m their mate, and while I believe it, too, that doesn’t instantly mean we have the kind of connection they need for certain activities.

“Huh? No. I mean, you didn’t do anything wrong. I was enjoying myself if the boner wasn’t clear enough.” Sage assured me as they sat up.

“Okay…” I arched my brow, sitting up, too. “Then what’s going on?”

“Um, my dad just said Alpha Logan and some old people from a place called Steelcrest are upstairs asking for me,” Sage frowned, rubbing their temple.

“What would Logan want with you? I’ve never heard of Steelcrest. Granted, I don’t keep tabs on many wolf packs beyond the ones I have family in.” I asked.

“No idea,” Sage said. “The name sounds familiar, but I can’t remember why.”

“It wouldn’t be anything about me, right?” I asked.

While I doubted it was about me, I had to ask. For all I knew, Logan was here because someone in his pack was supposedly fated to a vampire. I could understand if he was concerned about it. This isn’t like his daughter being mated to three different men. That was all chosen, and she’s a human. Sage and me being fated is unheard of, based on that book. Sage and I will be seen as an anomaly and likely abomination by both sides.

“I don’t think so. No one outside my family knows we’re mates. Dad could’ve told Mr. Tracey why he wanted the book, but I can’t imagine that getting to Alpha Logan. It also doesn’t explain the other guys.” Sage said, shaking their head.

“Alpha… you might want to wait. Sage is down there with their mate.” Erin’s hesitant voice echoed down the basement stairs, and heavy footsteps followed.

Sage paled and tried to use the flannel I’d stripped off them during our making out to hide their semi. I rolled my eyes and turned to the door as it burst open. I may have never met Logan Kinsley, but I know of him and have seen his picture. So, I was prepared for him to be short and grumpy-looking. I was spot on as he looked from Sage to me, eyebrow-raising as it dawned on him that I’m a vampire, and Erin said, ‘mate.’

“Do you generally make cockblocking house calls, Logan?” I asked.

“Auðr…” Sage poked me, but I could see the laughter in their amber eyes.

If it were anyone but their Alpha, they’d probably be laughing their squeezable ass off. Yes, I can define it as squeezable. I got a good feel when I caught Sage out front, and I’ve squeezed it a few times while we’d been making out. Logan’s eyes narrowed briefly, flashing red as he looked at me.

“Auðr Darby. Albert’s friend from that band my daughter likes.” Logan placed me.

“Just Auðr, thanks. So, what brings you by to cockblock? If you wanted to cockblock a vampire, you know your daughter’s address.” I rephrased my question.

“Fucking vampires…” Logan grumbled. “Not surprised you’re one of Caleb’s progeny or Agustín’s type.”

“Agustín?” Sage cocked their head.

“That’s more than enough about my ex. Else I’ll dig up details on every female you fucked between Hana’s mother and your mate.” I threatened.

“Auðr, stop antagonizing my alpha.” Sage pleaded through gritted teeth. “Please ignore him, Alpha Logan. He doesn’t mean it.”

“Oh, I totally meant it.” I smiled.

“I’m not here about you, Auðr. Listen to the kid and shut up.” Logan said, making a zip-it hand gesture. “Sage, get your ass upstairs. We have important shit to talk about.”

“Yes, Alpha.” Sage hurried to stand.

This. This is what I don’t like about wolves. One gets named Alpha, and when they say jump, no one asks questions, not even how high they just jump. I know Logan isn’t like that, but how is Sage jumping to obey any different than Leo’s egg donor blindly following her pack’s laws about chosen mating within the pack for females? It rubs me the wrong fucking way. So, I stood, folded my arms, and looked down at Logan. I may be skinny, always have been, but I’ve got height and powers he knows shit about.

“Talk to my mate like they are your servant who must obey you again, and we’ll have a big problem, Logan.” I threatened. “I know this is just how wolves are wires, and this is your territory and all, but I’m sure you can muster up some basic respect and courtesy.”

Logan arched his brow at me and then glanced at Sage.

“Alpha…” Sage started to say something, but Logan raised a hand and smirked.

“It’s fine, Sage,” Logan assured. “It’s good to see your mate has a backbone and would stand up for you even against me.”

“If I didn’t know Hana was adopted…” I shook my head.

“I’ll take that as a compliment. Now upstairs, please. What the Steelcrest elders want will affect you both,” Logan said, beckoning us to follow as he left Sage’s room.

“Affect both?” I furrowed my brow.

“Guess we should go see what the fuss is about.” Sage shrugged.

As we went upstairs, I slipped my hand into theirs, holding their hand as we entered the Shelton family's great room. Everyone looked uncomfortable, especially Erin and River. Hale held Erin to his chest to comfort or hold her back. Leo was similarly holding River’s arm, though I think for the latter reason based on the way Rivers’ eyes were narrowed at the three unknown guests.

Hale’s son Austin was leaning by the fireplace, and now I could see he had a prosthetic leg, with his mate Suzanne looking ready to snap necks if the situation required it. I caught Léonel’s eye, silently questioning what was going on. All my nephew could offer was a shrug. Logan moved to stand at the other side of the fireplace and gestured to Sage and me as he addressed the three old wolves on the sofa.

“You asked for the Carlisle with anything to do with an eclipse. That’s the one. Sage Carlisle, the eldest of the twins whose wolf is named Eclipse.” Logan introduced. “And their mate Auðr.”

“Sage and Auðr, these are Joar Isaksen, Elton Almstedt, and Svein Akselsen of Steelcrest. They were once the Beta, Gamma, and Delta to your sperm donor’s father-in-law.” Logan explained as he introduced each of the males.

Sperm donor’s father-in-law? Steelcrest is the pack Sage and River’s sperm donor is from. I thought he’d be from Silvermane, given that Léonel said Leo and River dated before River and Sage moved to Portland and discovered they were werewolves. And if these fossils. Yes, I’m older than them, but they are werewolves and, therefore, not immortal, so I’ll call them fossils if I want. Why would they be here for Sage if they were the Beta, Gamma, and Delta to Sage’s step-grandfather?

“May I speak freely, Alpha Logan?” Sage asked.

“Your house, kid.” Logan shrugged.

Logan folded his arms with a smirk as if waiting to see what would come from Sage’s mouth. I don’t know Sage well, but I do know that they are impulsive and don’t always think before speaking. This could get messy. By messy, I mean having to clean up what’s left of these wolf elders should they say or do anything against Sage. The tension in the air was already thick. I could tell everyone in Sage’s family was more than ready to rip these men apart—a sentiment I shared. One wrong word and I’ll rip their throats.

“Was it not made fucking clear to that fuckwad two years ago when my dad sent his ass home limping that he’s got no place in mine or River’s lives? That doesn’t only apply to his raggedy ass. It applies to everyone associated with the shit stain.” Sage went off.

“But you need to …” one of the males, Joar, I think Logan had said, tried to speak up.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Sage shouted. “I don’t need to do fucking shit except to tell you to get the fuck out of my dad’s house and my Alpha’s territory. You got no business with me, least of all any business I will give two flying fucks about.”

Well, Sage made their position very clear. These males better respect that and walk away. If they don’t, I’ll make them.

Chapter 14 - Sage

Damn it! I knew I recognized that pack name for a reason. My brain was too fried from all the Auðr hotness to think straight. Plus, I only remember important shit. There is zilch important about Dane Blackburn or his stupid pack. How fucking dare these assholes show up here unannounced and unin-FUCKING-vited. How dare their arrival get in the way of my private time with my mate. Things were getting good before they decided to crash the party.

“Alpha Dane is dead.” one of the old fucks said.

I’m not always good at remembering names and faces. At least not when I first meet someone. Even less when I don’t want to meet them, but I’m pretty sure the one that just talked, the brunette with brown eyes, was named Joar. I think Alpha Logan said he was the Beta. I don’t care what rank he held in Steelcrest. I don’t care about Steelcrest.

I glanced at River and Mom. Based on their expressions, this was news to them. Mom looked conflicted. I think no matter how much she hated the shitstain. She’s kind enough to feel empathy for someone who died. River looked indifferent at best. I don’t think they gave a fuck that he’s dead. I know I don’t care. 

“If you came all this way to tell us that shitstain died, it was a waste of a trip. He’s been dead to us for eighteen years.” I rolled my eyes. 

“It wasn’t a waste with Dane’s passing that makes you our new alpha.” the third guy said.

I’m testing my brain here, but I think that one is called Svein. He used to be the Delta. I’m not sure what Delta’s are like in other packs, but he’s not nearly as smart as ours. Not that it’s a fair comparison. Nobody is as smart as Silvercloud or Persephone. But I would think that as a Delta, retired or whatever, dude could read the room and realize this was a waste of their time.

“Me?” I barked out a laugh. “An alpha? No way.”

“It has to be you unless Alpha Logan was incorrect in saying your wolf is named Eclipse and that you are the eldest son,” Joar insisted.

“I’m not his son. I’m non-binary.” I corrected him. 

“My apologies.” Joar bowed his head. “You are the firstborn child, and from what we can tell, fit the prophecy.”

‘What prophecy are they talking about?’ Eclipse asked.

“Prophecy? What fucking bullshit is this?” I asked, voicing my wolf’s question.

Svein and the other one… the blonde named Elton, the trio’s only normal-ish and easy-to-pronounce name, looked at Joar. They gave him solemn nods. I didn’t want to hear the prophecy. I don’t care. Yet despite that, Joar stood, clearing his throat.

“When the sun is swallowed by shadow, the reign of the reviled will end. When the moon bleeds red, the neglected heir will rise. Marked by the eclipse, they shall claim the mantle of leadership. Bound in an unprecedented mating outside werewolf kind, this union will forge a powerful alliance, breaking ancient barriers and uniting Steelcrest like never before.” He recited.

I frowned, not sure how to start to interpret any of that. My ADHD brain was not computing all that shit. I needed it broken down better. This was part of why I didn’t want to hear their dumb prophecy. If I’ve learned anything from the past two years in Bloodmoon, prophecies only bring trouble. 

Alpha Alec had to wait thirty years to find his mate, and his prophecy started a whole war. Alexander Petridis was violated on many levels because of the prophecy about him. And even now, he and his mate Delilah and the Sicilian packs are on high alert as she’s pregnant with their first pup, and there’s a blue moon in August. Prophecies are trouble, and I don’t want trouble. I want a peaceful life with my mate. Maybe traveling the world with him and his band, anything that didn’t involve some wordy and confusing prophecy.

“When the sun is swallowed by shadow? You mean a solar eclipse. Your raggedy ass Alpha died on the solar eclipse? That was in fucking January. You’ve taken six months to contact Sage and River?” Auðr shook his head.

“Yes, Alpha Dane died in January, but there was much to do. We had to hold his funeral, decide on an interim leader, and obtain the necessary approvals to enter Bloodmoon.” Elton stood, defending Joar’s words.

“So, it took you six months to burn the fucknugget and get through red tape to come here?” River questioned.

Everyone looked at Alpha Logan. Logan shrugged with a smirk. Oh, he kept them away on purpose. By why? Six months sounds like a long time to keep them from informing us that douchebag kicked the bucket. 

“That is something only Alpha Logan can explain,” Svein said.

“Here, I thought it was obvious,” Logan said. “I didn’t want you people in my territory. I didn’t and still don’t care that Dane is dead. He’s lucky he didn’t get sent home in a body bag. Between Hale and David, it was a possibility.”

“But why let them show up now?” I asked.

I wasn’t going to question the logic of keeping them away. Logan was protecting us. Given that we were finishing our senior year of high school, it was for the best that they were kept away. It let us focus on graduating and let River and Leo enjoy the early months of being mated. Personally, I’d have liked it if they were kept away even longer. I want to get that same honeymoon period with Auðr.

“I listened to their prophecy. There wouldn’t be a blood moon eclipse till June 26th.” Logan shrugged. 

“It also mentions an ‘unprecedented mating outside werewolf kind.’ You weren’t mated, and while I can’t predict the future, I know a few people who can.” Logan said, eyes falling on Auðr.

“François or Diana?” Auðr asked, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Wait, if Grandpa knew you were meant to meet Sage, wouldn’t he have told you?” Léonel asked.

“Your grandfather doesn’t tell his great uncle everything,” Logan said.

“You knew? You knew I was fated to a vampire and never told me or the rest of my family?” I asked, feeling hurt.

“Some things are better to discover for yourself. The Goddess has her plan and timeline. It would be wrong of me to interfere with that. And if either of you knew in advance, those initial feelings wouldn’t be the same. They’d be dull.” Logan explained.

“So, let me get this straight. You’ve known my baby would find their mate for months and kept these males away until that happened.” Mom said, rubbing her temple.

“Yep.” Logan nodded, making a popping sound on the ‘p.’ “I wasn’t letting anyone influence Sage finding their mate or how Auðr handled it. They needed to come together because they wanted it and not out of pressure from anyone or anything.”

“Alpha, does that mean you make other decisions based on predicted futures seers have told you?” Austin asked.

“Are you asking if I knew you’d end up losing a leg in the Incubi war and sent you there on purpose?” Logan arched his brow. 

“The answer is no. Unless it’s a prophecy like this one, I don’t seek a seer for clarity. Sending you to war was because you were green and needed real-world experience, not to mention taken down a peg or two.” Logan shrugged. 

“Not to be rude, but can we get back to me here?” I asked. 

“I only just found my mate. And even if you’d come to me in like ten years, I would say I’m soo not alpha material. I don’t think before I speak or act. My brain is constantly all over the place. An alpha should be able to focus and lead people. That’s not me.” I shook my head.

‘It could be.’ Eclipse said. ‘I’m capable of all that. If you’d listen to me more, you could too. And I bet our mate would factor into it, too.’

“It has to be you,” Svein said. 

“The prophecy says it’s you. The Goddess says it’s you. And while we could transition the Alpha line of succession to my son Sten or grandson Christian, that’s not the way of Steelcrest. Our pack would only accept someone outside the Solberg bloodline if the line was truly dead or another Alpha had defeated ours.” Joar spoke passionately, obviously desperate for me to agree.

“Solberg? Cuntnugget was a Blackburn.” River questioned.

“Alpha Dane was a Blackburn, but his mate was a Solberg. And while you aren’t of her bloodline as her mate, the pack would accept a child of Dane’s line.” Elton explained.

“Um, no, we’re Carlisle like our mom. If you hadn’t picked up the vibe, we don’t acknowledge that shithead.” River scoffed.

“Either way, the line of succession cannot simply be broken. It must be you, Sage,” Svein said.

“It doesn’t have to be me. If it’s about that stupid bloodline, take River.” I gestured to my twin.

“Oh, don’t volunteer me for this shit. Steelcrest is in fucking Canada on the east coast. That’s way too close to Silvermane for my taste, thank you very much.” River held their hands up. 

“And you think I want to? Plus, Auðr is in a band. He travels a lot, so leading a pack ain’t happen.” I shook my head.

“But Sage…” the Steelcrest elders exclaimed in unison.

I cut them off, holding my hands up. I wasn’t trying to do it, but a burst of darkness shot out of my hands. The darkness filled the house. I could see and hear everyone’s shock as they couldn’t see in the darkness. I didn’t want to listen to anything more they had to say. I didn’t want this. I’ll never want this. I only want to be with Auðr. I grabbed Auðr’s hand and hurried out of the house.

“SAGE?” A chorus of overlapping muffled voices shouted from inside the house.

I was in panic mode on the front steps, eyes closed and bent over as I started to hyperventilate. That was all way too much, too fast, too soon. I only just found my mate. He barely agreed to date me. And now these fucks show up saying we’re part of some prophecy that would mean being leaders of a pack on the other side of the fucking country. That’s not just cockblocking. That is relationship-ending type shit. I won’t be surprised if Auðr peaced out after this. He’s gonna straight-up reject me.

Chapter 15 - Auðr

That was a lot to dump on an eighteen-year-old kid. I get that Logan kept them at bay for the last six months, but why not keep them away even longer? If François told him I’d meet Sage at the Pride Festival, why bring them so soon? I know there’s a blood moon eclipse this month, but there’s another one in December. So why bring them now if he knew we’d just met? Why not wait till December? Probably because they wouldn’t wait that long. 

When Sage started putting themselves down and generally displaying textbook shutting down and overwhelmed behavior, I was ready to shut this shit down. I’ve spent decades bringing depressed and suicidal people back from the edge. I know the signs of someone about to break. Like my bandmates, I wanted to step in and protect Sage from all this. 

My intervention wasn’t required, at least not to get Sage away from the Steelcrest elders. Sage handled that expertly. Even I couldn’t see in the darkness they created. No wonder their wolf is named Eclipse. Sage was the only one who could see in that eclipse because the next thing I knew, I was being led expertly outside. I blinked a couple of times as my eyes adjusted to the streetlights. I turned, ready to ask Sage how they were, but I didn’t need to ask. Sage was bent over hyperventilating.

Fucking dickheads.

I glanced at the house, unsure how long their eclipse would last or if there was a counter to it. Either way, I won’t stand idle when they could come out here and make things worse. Sage was already having a panic attack because of their pushing. I wasn’t going to let it get worse. I crouched on the step down from Sage to look at their face. Sage’s eyes were closed, and their breathing was erratic, though it sounded like they were trying to regulate it to control their emotions.

“Come on, Skittles,” I said, squeezing Sage’s hand. “It’s safe to say we’re both over this scene.”

Amber eyes blinked open in surprise and confusion. At least I got their attention. Sage wasn’t freaking out about what those idiots inside said. 

“Huh?” Sage hiccupped. 

“Let’s go for a drive,” I suggested, holding up the keys to Léonel’s rental car.

How do I have them? Obviously, I lifted them off my nephew.  Why do I have them? For a quick escape that didn’t involve turning into fog. Don’t forget I was reluctant to be here from the start. Now, I had a justified reason to get out of here. Unlike my original plans to ditch Léonel and leave alone, I’d go with Sage. 

“You… you want… to go for… a drive… with me?” Sage asked, still hiccupping as they caught their breath and tried to calm down. 

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I?” I cocked my head confused.

“I thought…” Sage paused, gulping as a burst of light filled the house.

I didn’t know where the light was from, but knew I didn’t want to stick around to find out. I didn’t let Sage finish their thought. They could answer me in the car. I hustled them to the vehicle. I wanted to leave as soon as possible. I especially wanted out of here before whatever the source of that light came looking for us. I didn’t even look back as I pulled away from the curb. I had no destination in mind. I knew I didn’t want to be in that house, mostly because of those Steelcrest buffoons. 

“We don’t need to talk about what happened back there if you don’t want to. However, I’d like to know why you were surprised I brought you with me.” I broke the silence after we’d gotta a couple of blocks away. 

“Well, I…” Sage rung their hands in their lap. 

“Take your time,” I assured Sage.

“I just figured after all that. The stupid prophecy. The way they were pushing me about taking over their pack. I thought it would send you running far away.” Sage confessed with a heavy sigh.

I furrowed my brow at that. Sage thought those crusty wolves and a prophecy would be enough to send me running. I suppose I couldn’t blame them. I have been reluctant regarding this relationship. And it hadn’t been that long between me agreeing to give this a shot to Logan’s cockblock. So, I’m not offended that Sage thought this would make me want to back out. 

“While I can understand how you came to that conclusion. You’re wrong.” I said.

“When I say I’m going to do something, I’m too stubborn not to follow through. And don’t mistake that to imply that being with you is an obligation.” I said, hoping I wasn’t saying this wrong. 

“I said I was going to give this relationship a chance. That doesn’t mean walking away at the first hurdle. That prophecy doesn’t scare me, and I’m certainly not scared of a trio of crusty wolves.” I flashed Sage a smile.

“That makes one of us.” Sage sagged into the passenger seat.

“Do you want to talk about it? I’ve been told I make a decent therapist.” I offered.

“A therapist? Is this about how everyone in the band was suicidal?” Sage asked. 

“Basically. I mean, I’ve dabbled in the profession. Even got a degree in it a long time ago.” I shrugged. 

“That’s fitting. Goddess knows I need a therapist.” Sage scoffed.

“I doubt you could be worse than anything I’ve seen with my bandmates,” I said. “So talk to me. I’m not going to judge you.”

“It’s like I told them. I am not alpha material. I mean, I’m not even on an alpha bloodline. Cuntcake was a rogue because his mom was thrown out of Steelcrest by asswipes like them because she got knocked up by someone who wasn’t her mate.” Sage rolled their eyes.

“How forward-thinking of them.” I scoffed. 

“EXACTLY!” Sage exclaimed. 

“They tossed my grandma. Yeah, I’ll claim her because I didn’t know her, and it’s not her fault that her son turned out to be a shithead. She died when he was a kid, so I won’t hold her responsible for how he turned out. But they tossed her out for being unmated and knocked up. They are not the kind of people I’d expect to want a queer hybrid alpha.” Sage said.

“Based on that, I can see how their coming to you wanting you to be their alpha would surprise you.” I nodded. 

“Bloodline wasn’t the only thing you mentioned back there regarding being an alpha. Why do you think an alpha has to be so focused? I’m sure there are plenty of alphas that are scattered-brained. The way I hear it, one or two of the Sicilia alphas are like that.” I asked.

“I am nothing like Alpha André or his brother-in-law, Alpha Tiberius.” Sage shook their head. 

“They may be more playful than my alpha, but they were born and raised in ranked families. They have been raised since birth to be leaders. Plus, they have mates who make up for their weaknesses.” Sage frowned.

I sighed, reaching my right over to squeeze Sage’s thigh. Sage needs to stop putting themselves down. I’m not saying they must accept what Steelcrest is offering. If it’s not something they want, I’ll support that and tell Steelcrest and anyone else pushing that prophecy where to shove it. Prophecy or no prophecy, alpha title or not, I don’t like hearing Sage put themselves down. 

“I bet you have plenty to bring to the role. Things that no one born into a rank ever could.” I smiled.

“You barely know me. Trust me, you won’t say that once you know me better. I have ADHD and Autism. My mood changes like that.” Sage snapped their fingers. “Having Eclipse has helped, but you met me fighting a protestor. I could’ve just ignored the guy but punched him instead. Same with Rune. I could’ve kept my cool, but I lashed out.”

“First, that guy deserved it. Same with Rune. He needs to get over his bullshit, and the only way to get through to him sometimes is a backhand.” I shrugged. 

“You already said your wolf helps. And while I can’t say being together would temper you, by all accounts, a mated wolf is a more stable wolf. So having me around could help.” I shrugged.

“Wait…” Sage blinked. “Are you saying you’d stick around if I took that?”

“I already told you I’m in this. Prophecy or not. Title or not. I’m your mate. I won’t walk away because it sounds difficult. Will handling this curveball your Goddess threw at us make things complicated? Sure. But nothing is too complicated to figure out.” I assured Sage with another squeeze of their thigh. 

As strange as it sounds, I meant it. I’ve accepted my fate. It might be out of left field and a totally fucked up fat, but it’s mine. I still don’t understand why the wolf’s Goddess chose me, but she did. It’s not like she’s someone I can ask why and get an answer to. That’s like a human asking their God why he does things. You don’t get answers from deities. 

I don’t know how I’d handle being an… Aleph… yeah, that’s the word someone started using for males mated to an alpha. However, it’s not like I’d be the first vampire associated with a werewolf pack. Dani is the Delta up in Silverclaw. A vampire Delta mated to a Delta human. Silveclaw was ahead of the curve in incorporating other species into their pack hierarchy. 

Sage might not see it, but that prophecy is probably a thing because their Goddess wants Sage to change Steelcrest positively. Sicily has a gay Alpha and Aleph, and Silveclaw has a mated human and vampire Delta couple. The werewolf world is changing. Maybe it’s Steelcrest’s turn. Only time and Sage will tell. Because at the end of the day, it’s Sage’s choice.

Chapter 16 - Sage

Was Auðr being serious? He looks serious. Yet, I’m still struggling to wrap my head around it. If our roles were reversed, would I be as calm as Auðr? Would I accept this massive life change with such ease and grace? Would I stick around to see if I could handle it? I don’t know. I don’t even know how to handle this in our current roles.

‘Auðr is right. I help ground you, but he’ll be that missing piece to the puzzle that is your soul. With our mate at our side, there’s nothing we can’t do.’ Eclipse assured me. 

Eclipse was the only person I was letting communicate with me, and well, he’s my wolf, so I kind of can’t shut him out. I could feel the pack and family link banging on my head as everyone tried to reach me. Thankfully, by focusing on Auðr and our conversation, I could ignore everyone else.

“I wish I was as sure of things as you and my wolf.” I frowned.

“You don’t have to be sure of anything, Sage,” Auðr said. “I take that back. There is one thing you need to be sure about.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Me. You have to be sure about being with me. Steelcrest and that prophecy adds to the balance we still have to figure out to be together. But even if you tell them to fuck off, being with me has complications. My schedule, both for the band and that I’m a creature of the night, are things we’d need to work out.” Auðr explained. 

“Yeah, but I could see ways to work around those. Your sleep schedule is fine by me. Mom has always said I’m a night owl. I would happily sleep all day, especially if it meant I’d be sleeping next to you and get to spend my nights with you.” I smiled.

“As for the band, I know it’s a tough sell, especially for Rune, but I’d be happy to travel with you when possible. I don’t have college plans or really any plans.” I frowned at the reality that if I hadn’t met Auðr, I’d face a life without direction.

How pathetic was that? Sure. I only graduated high school and had time to think more about my future. It doesn’t make me feel any less pathetic saying it out loud. I’m the only person in my family without a direction. Austin is continuing his education in physical therapy. Suzie is going into accounting. River, yes, my identical twin, has signed up to be a state trooper. Leo still has time to decide what they want to do but has already shown interest in being a social worker after what happened to them.

“What’s with the frown?” Auðr asked.

“Oh. Um, it’s just the realization that I’m the most pathetic person in my family. Everyone else has these life goals, and if I hadn’t met you, I’d just be a lump on a log.” I confessed.

“You’re eighteen, Sage. Few people know what they want out of life at that age.” Auðr shook his head.

“River does. Leo even does, and they’re younger than me.” I said.

“And what has River decided to do with their life?” He asked.

“He’s going to be a state trooper like Stripper David,” I explained.

“Stripper David? So, your twin wants to be a cop stripper? Or is that a weird nickname for a cop named David?” He asked.

“David is a state trooper and one of Luna Aurelia’s guards. He’s been super nice and helpful since we came to Bloodmoon. He even used his connections and led the search for Leo when they ran away from Silvermane.” I explained.

“Ok. So, River idolizes David and chose a career based on that. Why did you call him Stripper David?” Auðr asked.

“Oh, because the first time he showed up at our house, we kind of mistook him for a stripper. The guy may be pushing thirty, but he’s hot.” I waggled my eyebrows. “Does that make you jealous? That I think he’s hot?”

“Not really.” Auðr chuckled, shaking his head. “I don’t know him to judge if he’s hot. As for jealous, I’ve never been the type.”

“Hmm, ok.” I shrugged. “But you don’t think it’s pathetic that I don’t know what to do with my life? That doesn’t worry you that you’d be mates to someone without direction?” I asked.

“I told you it’s not pathetic. I didn’t know what I wanted to do when I was eighteen. I just liked playing music and going to clubs. That wasn’t considered a respectable profession in my day. My parents wanted me to go into business like my father. I was sent to Centenary College to major in business like my father had.” Auðr shrugged. 

“So, you have business and psychology degrees?” I asked.

“Um, yeah. But I’m also over a hundred years old. I get bored. I love playing, but I need to take a break occasionally because people will think it’s weird that I don’t age.” He said.

“People are already starting to spread gossip about Immortal Eclipse. We’ve been a band for twenty years, but the only one who has aged is Léonel. It’s something people notice. Sure, they are jumping to immortal conclusions but are talking shit like plastic surgery and yadda.” He sighed.

“Wait, does that mean Immortal Eclipse will have to retire soon? How long have you and the rest of the band been together? I know Léonel joined later, but what about the others? Have you been in other bands?” I asked, interest piqued. 

“I’ve been playing in bands since the 1930s—we’ve had to take time away from the limelight every few decades. We’d come back, reinventing ourselves with a new name and different genre. So, in almost a hundred years…”  Auðr cocked his head in thought

“In the 1930s, we were Velvet, a jazz band. In the 1950s, we were Pantheon, a rock ‘n roll band. In the 1970s, we were Stellar Awakening, a glam rock band. In the 1990s, we were Exiles a grunge band. And now we’re Immortal Eclipse, a punk jazz band.  So we’re on our fourth iteration.” He shrugged.

“Hold on…” I shifted to get my phone out. “Velvet… Pantheon… what was the glam rock band? I need to see pictures of this.” I asked as I started to search the band names.

I ignored the flood of missed calls and texts when I opened my phone. My family could wait a bit longer. Finding photographic proof of Auðr throughout the ages was more important. I didn’t want to face the reality that I had just eclipsed my family and, worse, Alpha Logan and ran away. I’d deal with that much later if I could help it.

“That is NOT necessary,” Auðr said, reaching for my phone.

“Oooo, but it totally is. What’s the point of a mate who’s got over a hundred years on me than to find pictures of him through the decades.” I laughed, leaning away and holding my phone to the ceiling so he couldn’t take it.

“Nope. It was before the internet. I doubt there are even any pictures that would be out there for you to find.” Auðr shook his head.

“HOLY SHIT!” I exclaimed as my image search results populated. “How… how can you look fucking hot as hell in a sequin shirt like that.” I blinked.

My jaw was justifiably hanging open at the image result. Auðr, with his hair still shaggy but fluffed out, eyes closed, mic in hand as he sang, wearing a black open sequin top and an ankh chain around his neck. This man was stunning in every era. I tabbed over to the next results. Auðr, in his grunge period, looked scrumdiddlyumptious with his unwashed hair, wearing a tank top a blurry and hard-to-see tattoo on his right arm. I wondered what the tatttoo was of and if it was real as I glanced at him.

“What? What did you find?” Auðr asked.

“That you look hot in every era and may or may not have ink. Was the ink from your grunge real or fake?” I asked, turning the phone to show him.

He sighed, pulling off the road. I furrowed my brow, looking around. I hadn’t paid any attention to where he’d been driving. I didn’t recognize where we were. We were in a pull-off area just off the road. So, a place where people either pulled over because they broke down or just needed to stretch their legs. 

“You should reply to your family. I’m sure they’ve been trying to contact you through your link, and I just saw several texts pop up when you showed me your phone.” Auðr sighed. 

“Do I have to?” I pouted.

“Yes. They are your family, and they are worried about you. They’re all on your side.” Auðr assured me.

I sighed and switched to my messages. I started to scan the missed texts.

Mom: Sage. Where are you?

Dad: Are you somewhere safe?

River: WTF dude? I had to light up to counter your shit.

Leo: Are you ok?

Austin: Let Dad and your mom know you’re safe

Suzie: I hope you’re ok.

Unknown Number: I’m not mad. I don’t blame you for running from the situation. There is a lot of pressure when someone chooses you to be their new alpha. I’ve made the Steelcrest Elders leave. They are staying in one of the other cities under the watchful eye of the Delaney family. You don’t need to decide today or any time soon. Take your time, but let your mother know you are safe while you do that.

I blinked tears back as I looked at the messages, especially that last one. It had to be Alpha Logan. Alpha Logan cared enough about me to send me a text and to keep those elders away so that I could make decisions without pressure. Damn, that guy is awesome. If I did accept the alpha offer, I’d want to be an alpha like him. I shot a quick text in the family chat.

Sage: I’m fine. Auðr is with me and got me out of panic mode. We’re going for a drive, so I’ll be home later.

Then, I sent a reply to Alpha Logan.

Sage: Alpha Logan. Thank you. I’m not good enough with words to express it better. I’m safe with my mate, and my family knows now. 

“There. I let everyone know I’m safe and will be home later.” I nodded. “Now, about that tattoo?” I smiled.

I needed a distraction. I didn’t want to start getting all in my head and emotional about the offer and how much my family and alpha cared about me. Auðr was the perfect distraction. I only hoped he’d be willing to continue to be my distraction.

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I love the mouth full description Sage gave, so they have a "he" as a wolf?

7 days ago
Replying to

Yes. Both Sage and River's wolves have genders. Whilst their humans are non binary, the wolves are not. I believe this was mentioned when they shifted for the first time.


I am loving Auðr and Sage. They are going to be sooo spicey together for sure


No comments yet? I will be the first, then! I am so excited for this!

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